14 All in Verses for Menサンプル

14 All in Verses for Men

14日中 5日

Do you think you've got this? Really? You've got this?

This is Vince Miller.

Our text today is from Joshua 1:9. It reads:

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. — Joshua 1:9

In the book of Joshua, chapter 1, there is this epic moment. It's the moment the leadership baton is passed from Moses to Joshua. God's people will finally go from the desert to the promised land, and Joshua is the next leader who will take them there.

But entering the promised land comes with conflict. On the other side of the river are kings and kingdoms who opposed God. And everyone knows this.

So God has this epic moment with Joshua. It's like this motivational moment right before the big game. God discloses precisely what he intends to do and how he intends to do it. And the only thing Joshua needs to do is be"strong and courageous."That's his part. Three times he tells him this in Joshua 1:1-9, hoping that Joshua remembers God's got this. All Joshua has to do is be strong and courageous.

This is an incredible vision statement for God's man. This vision statement was so profound it was passed down many generations and to many kings.

But the problem with most God-fearing men is they twist this to mean, "I've got this." And you need to know; you don't got this. You don't got anything. Only God has got this. And you've gotta trust the fact that there is only one God who does. Because the moment you think, "I've got this," because someone said to you, "You've got this," pride sets in. Pride that separates us from the plan of God. And this results in fear and timidity, which is precisely the opposite of what God wants for and from his man.

So if you are facing an impossible moment today. One that is bigger than you. Embrace the vision that God gave to his man a long time ago. Say this to yourself today. "God's got this." Then as you go through the day, don't be dismayed or let pride take hold. Act on the vision and be strong and courageous.

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14 All in Verses for Men

Unleash your full potential as a man of faith with our series of 14 powerful verses. These inspiring and motivating verses will equip you to navigate life's challenges with unwavering faith and become the man that God intended you to be. Take your faith to the next level and start living all in for Jesus Christ today.
