
The Tide-Turning Power of Hopeサンプル

The Tide-Turning Power of Hope

21日中 7日

It is helpful to avoid seeing hope as one dramatic decision you make, but rather as the multiplied effect of many very small, individual everyday choices.

Choosing to get out of the house and walk the dog, choosing to apply for a new job, choosing to spot new potential and opportunities while still in the midst of your problems—these everyday choices matter.

Hope is for now. It is for this very day. You can benefit right now from this energizing, life-giving virtue. Don’t wait another minute to orient your perspective toward hope.

Hope is not just for dark times—it is for all times.

Don’t postpone being optimistic until everything in your life feels good. Start today!

Believe in the best. Develop optimism. Expect good things. Choose positivity. Laugh. Dream of the brightest future you can imagine. That vision will change your life now, regardless of what happens next.

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The Tide-Turning Power of Hope

Come on this narrated journey with Benjamin Windle to unlock the force of hope in life's hardest fights. In a gritty and surprising take on the life of Job, explore how flourishing does not come from a life devoid of lon...

