Wide-Eyed Wonder (21 Days of Fasting and Prayer)サンプル

Wide-Eyed Wonder (21 Days of Fasting and Prayer)

21日中 13日



Faith allows us to see that God can do miracles despite obstacles.


In Mark 2:1-12, four friends took radical action to bring their paralysed friend to Jesus, believing that Jesus would heal him. Jesus was thronged by crowds and impossible to reach, but the friends went up on the roof, broke a hole in it, and lowered their friend right in front of Jesus. Jesus saved and healed the paralysed man that day. A miracle had taken place. And it was all because four friends saw with eyes of faith.

Faith enables us to see that miracles are possible no matter what obstacles may lie in the way. And faith inspires us to overcome difficulties.

When faced with challenges, it is easy to see only the obstacles. But like the faith-filled friends, we need to see that God is able and wants to perform miracles.


God is able to do the miraculous! Do not let the circumstances or difficulties discourage you. Let us ask God to open our eyes of faith to believe Him for miracles.


Dear Lord, I believe You are the God for whom nothing is impossible. Open my eyes to see the miracles You can do in my circumstances. I want to see beyond the obstacles. Shift my mindset from the impossible to the possible, from limitations to Your unlimited power. I pray this in faith, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Wide-Eyed Wonder (21 Days of Fasting and Prayer)

“Wide-Eyed Wonder” is a 21-Day Devotional Guide to help us renew our vision and see more clearly. As we seek God over the next 21 days, we can expect the Holy Spirit to open our eyes to see His power, wisdom, and wonders. God has awesome, unimaginable things He wants to share with us! He has always been and will always be ready to reveal them. No matter how much of God we have experienced, there is still more.
