CHANGED! And Changing Still..サンプル

CHANGED! And Changing Still..

31日中 24日

You Were Made For More

Key Thought

There is something so inspiring about the tenacity of the human spirit. I am always moved by those individuals that go to great extremes to overcome the odds stacked against them.

I was walking through the city of Melbourne one time and my attention was drawn to a man getting off the tram. It was obvious he was blind. He had a walking stick and a guitar case. He seemed to get off with ease and follow the movement of people to a pedestrian crossing.

Intrigued, I followed at a distance. He crossed a few streets, and finally set up on a corner to busk away for the crowds. After telling him how much I contributed in his guitar case (because he was blind), I proceeded to tell him how he inspired me.

I have always felt I was born for more so it's not hard to believe that you were born for more too. After all, the God who made the universe made you. He has a plan designed just for you. There are things God wants you to accomplish. Things that, if you don't do them, may never get done.

God knows what you think and what you'll say before you say it. God is all around you. Behind you and in front of you. His greatest desire is to see you flourish in a relationship with Him.
You were born for more!

Time To Think

What kind of special purpose or reason do you think God has made me for?
What am I good at and what do I like doing?


God, you made me and you know me. You know all the hidden details of my life. You watch over me and protect me. I was made for more than I'm doing right now. And I was made to know You. Help me see that I was made for more. Amen.

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CHANGED! And Changing Still..

When we surrender to Jesus He changes us in a moment but we are still being changed everyday to become more like Him. This devotion deals with the everyday, ordinary changes that we all face in becoming more Christ-like. We are changed and changing still.
