Christ as Man: A Study in Lukeサンプル

Christ as Man: A Study in Luke

24日中 21日

What does it say?

Jesus noted the poor widow’s offering, spoke of the temple’s coming destruction, and revealed the signs of His return. He warned His disciples to remain ready.

What does it mean?

While the rich flaunted their piety with gifts for the temple treasury, a desperately poor widow gave two small coins worth less than a cent. Yet Jesus declared that she gave more than all the rest combined because it cost her more than anyone else. The rich had plenty left over, but she did not. Jesus didn’t measure the gifts by the amount given but by the personal cost to the giver. This poor widow unknowingly became a timeless illustration of true sacrificial giving.

How should I respond?

Everyone has financial needs and obligations; God understands that. He knows exactly how much you have and how much you have left over after giving back to Him. The heavenly Father doesn’t expect you to give away everything you possess, but He does want you to give as He leads. You have been blessed with time, gifts, talents, and resources. How pleased do you think God is with the proportion of your “giving” with your “keeping”? If you’re having difficulty opening your wallet to God, check to make sure your heart is open to Him, and then look for an area where you can give beyond your comfort zone. How will you give sacrificially to the Lord today?

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Christ as Man: A Study in Luke

Luke’s Gospel is a beautiful and powerful telling of the life of Jesus. Luke focuses on Jesus as the Son of Man, the foretold Messiah who came to “seek and save the lost” (Luke 19:10). This Gospel shows us the “Upside-Down Kingdom” - that God uses what the world deems foolish and weak to shame the wise and strong.
