Do Not Fearサンプル

Do Not Fear

6日中 2日

Facing The Fear of Sickness and Disease

God of Peace, I offer You my worries, I bring You my brokenness, and I surrender my striving. As I rest in Your presence, I receive Your peace.

I pause and pray...

Today, I am reflecting on an ancient poem, written at a time when life was much less certain than it is even in our own uncertain age.

(Read: Psalm 91:1-7)

It would be nice to think that following Christ would provide immunity from every sickness and disease, from coronavirus to cancer. We pray for protection. We pray for healing, but, being human, we will each face grief and sorrow in our lives. What the psalmist offers is the way to be free from the crippling fear of disease – by learning to live in God.

Lord, may I learn to dwell in the shelter of your presence, to know you as a mighty fortress – a place of refuge against all the fears and anxieties which trouble me.

I pause and pray...

I think of someone I know who is seriously unwell, or who is caring for someone close to them who is sick.

Father, may they experience your calming peace in the middle of their trauma and discomfort. May they put their trust in You and experience Your healing touch.

I pause and pray...

I notice that the psalmist doesn’t say, "The Lord is my refuge and my fortress". He announces, "I will say of the Lord, 'He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”’ This is more than a promise I need to hear, it is a declaration to be spoken aloud – a bold confession of my faith. "Whatever the circumstances, God, I trust in You."

I pause and pray...

Lord, whatever challenges I face, to my health or that of my family and friends, both now and in the future, I yield myself to You, my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust. Amen.

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Do Not Fear

We live in an anxious age. It’s easy to worry about our family and friends, our health, and our finances. In an age where war and conflict seem closer than ever, what does it mean to live without anxiety or fear? How can we bring our worries to God?
