Her True Worth: A 5-Day Planサンプル

Her True Worth: A 5-Day Plan

5日中 2日

Each and every one of us has sinned against God. “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Scripture then goes on to say that “the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). So that means when sin occurs, something must die. That’s the price that must be paid. When sin entered the world, it looked like all was lost, but God made a way.

In the Old Testament, God saw fit to allow people to make a substitutionary payment. So instead of us dying, something else—usually a pure, spotless lamb—was allowed to die in our place and pay the price of our sin. We deserved death, but God made a way.

In the New Testament, we see the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, who came to take away the sin of the world. God saw fit to allow his perfect Son to be the one-time sacrifice for all of us, forever. Jesus is perfect in every way. God gave up his precious and perfect Son to die in our place, the greatest gift of all time. That he traded that for you and for me is unfathomable. It’s unbelievable that God chose to do that. Yet he chooses to do that freely, without payment from us.


Lord, thank you for allowing Jesus to be the sacrifice for my sins, and thank you for loving me so much that you saved me from eternal death. Amen.

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Her True Worth: A 5-Day Plan

Break free from a culture of selfies, side hustles, and people pleasing to embrace your true identity in Christ!
