The Tapestry of Christmas: A Woman's Storyサンプル

The Tapestry of Christmas: A Woman's Story

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Elizabeth: The Thread of Blessing that Prepares the Way

Before a miracle is released, there are often interweavings of faith, courage, diligence, difficulty, and even blessing meshed into the tapestry.

Before the angel appeared to Mary, a certain woman received news that was equally “too good to be true.” Elizabeth entered the scene, a simple village woman barren and advanced in years. She was an unconventional choice to be the mother of John, the forerunner of Christ, yet she was God’s choice. She had the potential to become a blessing, and God saw that in her.

Before this, God chose to reveal His plan to her husband Zechariah, who, in a moment of unbelief, questioned the possibility of God’s promise. His wife, however, held onto this word in complete submission to God’s will. She could have focused on the disappointment of her past and the impossibility of her circumstances rather than the promise she received. She could have questioned God for the years of silence she endured before finally hearing from Him. Instead, she rejoiced in the goodness of God and acted in faith and obedience. As a result, she experienced her two-fold miracle of Christmas: receiving a miracle son AND becoming a source of blessing towards the mother of our Lord.

When Mary visited after her encounter with the angel, Elizabeth, filled with the Spirit, released prophecy and testified of God’s blessing, both in her own life and Mary’s. She reminded Mary the same God who blessed her barren womb is the one who will bring forth the child of promise from a virgin womb.

Sometimes it is easy to question God’s promises and doubt even the most powerful testimony. With time, the reality of our circumstances creeps in, and the impossibility of the situation outweighs our faith in God’s promise. Mary could have succumbed to this struggle between faith and feelings, but we see Elizabeth stand as a pillar of strength, encouragement, and blessing before her. God used her miracle as a testament and evidence of His unchanging goodness and irrefutable promise.


Like Elizabeth, maybe you are someone who has been waiting on God for a miracle. Maybe you’ve been earnestly praying for God to bless you with a child, or you’ve been in a season of spiritual or emotional dryness. Maybe you’ve resigned to your apparent fate as a ‘barren woman.’ Whatever your area of barrenness, there is a day of divine intervention.

  • Write down one thing that has helped you say “yes” to God’s promises, even if they seem impossible.
  • Who is one person that has been an ‘Elizabeth’ to you? How?


Lord, help me wait on You and be available for the purpose You have created me. Help me embrace Your promise over my life and shine as a beacon of hope. Use me to uplift and encourage those around me with the testimony of your goodness and faithfulness.

Featured Author: Jessica Elsa Shabu
Bangalore, India

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The Tapestry of Christmas: A Woman's Story

Spikenard designed The Tapestry of Christmas to inspire individuals, small groups, and families to celebrate the women in the Christmas story. This five-day plan incorporates character discussions, reflective questions, and prayers to help participants explore biblical examples of blessing, humility, faithfulness, and thankfulness. Choose this plan to discover how these virtues prepare the way for Christ’s entrance into the world.
