21 Days Prayer & Fasting "Alive in Clarity"サンプル

21 Days Prayer & Fasting "Alive in Clarity"

21日中 4日


In everyday life, we often receive news from friends or relatives. Be it good or bad news. For example, the loss of a family member, a business on the verge of collapse, an incurable disease, and many more.

What do we do as good friends or relatives when they are in trouble? Give sympathy? Show empathy? These are two things that have the same meaning but are actually different in their actions. Sympathy and empathy both mean we care about those around us who are experiencing difficulties.

But in action, sympathy is simply expressing a sense that we care about what they are going through. With empathy, we identify with them and don't just express our care with words, but apply it in our actions to directly help those who are experiencing difficulties.

Jesus also taught us to not only give sympathy but practice empathy. If we really love others, then that love will move us to do our best to help them! We will willingly 'be present and exist' in the lives of our family, friends and neighbors in their times of trouble! Love, accompanied by empathy, will move us to produce action.

Don't forget, that when we do something for others who are in need, we are actually being an extension of God's hand. So, remember to always do acts of love like we are doing it for God and not just for 'humans' without expecting a reward.

Are there people these days that God sends into our lives to receive our empathy and acts of love? If God reminds us of such people, let's get up and act! God will enable you!


Father, I thank you for loving me first. Teach me, Lord, to have a love like Yours. Help me to be able to love others not only with words, but through my every action. God, I want to be an extension of Your hand in this world. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

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21 Days Prayer & Fasting "Alive in Clarity"

1. To obtain knowledge, understanding and wisdom from God for the coming year (Daniel 1:17) 2. To dedicate everything we do at the beginning of the year unto Him alone 3. To discipline our flesh and strengthen our spiritual life
