21 Days Prayer & Fasting "Alive in Clarity"サンプル

21 Days Prayer & Fasting "Alive in Clarity"

21日中 17日


After service, my husband and I personally ministered to two teenage girls. The older sister looks like a boy, the younger sister always bowed her head. They asked us questions, "Does God really love us as uncle preached? And if God really loves us, why did God give us a bad and cruel papa?" We were silent, and sad to hear their outpourings, and prayed for them.

Their papa liked to beat them as did their mama, got drunk, and brought other women into their papa and mama's room. Their hearts were sick, bitter, disappointed, and hurt to the point that the older sister hated her identity as a woman and changed her appearance to that of a man, wrapping her breasts with a cloth so that they do not grow again. The younger sister became the image of full fear, feeling inferior and ashamed of herself.

Eventually, their mother managed to escape from their home and town, leaving their father behind. Because of what happened to these two young women, it made it very difficult for them to believe in God as a good Father. An evil papa can damage God's character as a "good father", resulting in a chain of young generations who are cut off and lost from God's presence.

The family is the most important foundation of the church, city, and nation. The Christian family is meant to be like an arrow pointing to God. How can churches, cities, and nations become strong and successful? Every parent must take their role and use it accurately and correctly, according to God's Word.

So as parents, let's use this moment of prayer and fasting to restore relationships with our children so that every illness, wound and disappointment can be resolved. To build communication and be more present in our children's lives, not just giving money, gifts, or letting other helpers or family members replace our presence as parents.

As a child, this is also the time to forgive your parents, have the heart of a child who can love parents in all their shortcomings. Try to be there and walk in their 'shoes', better understanding what caused them to be who they are today. This is God's time of restoration for our families.


Most excellent Father, restore relations in our family. I admit sometimes I have not been a good parent/child, please help me to take the right steps in this recovery process. You are the Lord who will enable us. In Jesus Name. Amen.

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21 Days Prayer & Fasting "Alive in Clarity"

1. To obtain knowledge, understanding and wisdom from God for the coming year (Daniel 1:17) 2. To dedicate everything we do at the beginning of the year unto Him alone 3. To discipline our flesh and strengthen our spiritual life
