Moments for Mums: Endure - Part 1サンプル

Moments for Mums: Endure - Part 1

3日中 1日

I didn’t grow up in a traditional Christian home. My mum took us to church now and then, but my little brother found the whole structure stifling, and it became too hard for us to go. My early lessons of the Bible happened in Girl’s Brigade, under the watchful eye of the Captain, Mrs. Head. Mrs. Head was a lovely lady—she reminds me of the typical Mrs. Christmas in storybooks. She had six children and drove a Hiace, yet somehow managed to take each girl under her arm and remind them that they were loved, cherished, and part of God’s story. Mrs. Head taught me that being a mum, a leader, and a woman isn’t always pretty, easy, or peaceful. Being a woman who follows after God’s heart happens on your knees, in prayer, and with petition. I may have forgotten the crafts and even some of the Bible stories, but I have never forgotten the lessons of watching a mum live with hope in the Lord.


Who taught you to hope in the Lord?


Thank you, God, for placing people in our lives who have taught us to live with you. Thank you for the example of your Son, the vulnerability he showed, the anguish, and the joy he lived with.



Moments for Mums: Endure - Part 1

Motherhood can feel like an endurance race at times. How do we keep going through the tough times? These short devotionals point to some answers. Moments for Mums: Encouragement for mums amid the beautiful mess of parenting and life. Presented by MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) Australia.
