Imagine Heaven サンプル

Imagine Heaven

12日中 10日

How awesome is this place!
By Rev. Kenley Mann, Chaplain

There was a lot on Jacob’s mind. After deceiving his blind father and making his brother, Esau, murderously angry, he fled. He lost his home. He lost his family. There was a fear of failure. There was also a fear of the future. Look at how God’s promises addressed each concern.  

  • Loss of home? “I will bring you back to this land.” (Genesis 28:15b) 
  • Loss of family? “All peoples on earth will be blessed through you and your offspring.” (Genesis 28:14b)  
  • Fear of failure? “I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go.” (Genesis 28:15a)  
  • Fear of the future? “I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised.” (Genesis 28:15b)

As the saying goes, this is as good as it gets. It’s as good as Jesus’s death on the cross. It’s as good as Jesus’s Resurrection. It’s as good as Jesus’s Ascension. It’s as good as His promise that He will return on The Last Day.  

What’s good for Jacob is also good for you and me. While you are wondering about what your Tuesday is going to be like, God already has your Friday all planned out.

Worried about next week? Forget it.  God is already there. Worried about next year? Don’t sweat it. God is already there, too.  

Wherever you are now, Jesus is with you. That is what makes any place you are at awesome.  Your life is the house of God. He dwells with you and in you. Where you go in the future, God is with you. 

Wherever you are, whatever you do, God will not leave you until He has kept every single promise in your life and until that final day when you climb the stairway to heaven, only to be embraced in His arms in permanent, welcoming joy.   

Prayer: Abide with us, O Jesus. Keep us amazed at your forgiveness and grace so that we may be aware of how awesome You are and feel that any time and any place is awesome because you are with us.  Amen.

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Imagine Heaven

This 12-day devotion series, shared by The Lutheran Home Association’s chaplains, focuses on heaven. We have many questions about what life be like in heaven. Each devotion focuses on heaven and answers the questions on what heaven will be like. Someday we will all be in heaven because Jesus has paid for all our sin.
