
Planting and Tending Your Garden
Read Philippians 1:3-11.
Conclude your study by reading the following poem.
A Garden of Righteousness
by Susan Sampson, Thistlebend Ministries
Now is the time, now is the season;
For the glory of God, that is the reason.
Now is the time, time to uproot;
The sin in our heart, that we may bear fruit.
Our hearts are dry and crusty ground;
Nothing of beauty is there to be found.
Weeds of selfishness, laziness and pride abound,
Nothing worthy of a crown.
Lord, this is certainly not your vision;
This dry and ugly weed-infested garden.
A well-watered garden is your perfect plan.
The display of your splendor to show all of man.
Father, help me, I can't do this alone;
Look at all of the weeds that have grown.
Please help me break up the ground of my heart.
Yes - the word of God is where to start.
For God's words are the seeds I now must sow;
Yet it is only God who can make things grow.
I must sow the word in my heart and mind;
And meditate on God's law day and night.
I must plant in my heart seeds of righteousness;
The Lord will bring the beautiful harvest.
We will reap the fruit of unfailing love
If we don't grow weary or give up.
Like a well-watered garden our hearts will be;
Like a spring whose water runs so free.
The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life;
Oaks of righteousness for His delight.
So seek first His righteousness and plant those seeds;
Cry out to your Father in true humility.
The reward will be so fragrant and sweet
Beautiful blossoms - love, joy and peace!
Praise be to the One who alone can grow!
Praise be to the Lord -
For the crop He has grown;
A hundred times more than what was sown!
Congratulations! You have completed Seeds of Spring. If you would like to pursue this study further, please visit our resources page at https://www.thistlebend.org/portfolio-item/seeds-spring/ for additional materials as well as the full-length discipleship study Seeds of Spring.

聖書には、季節を用いて神様の業が描写されています。この女性の為の40日間の読書プランは、キリストにおける成長を庭に 例えています。毎日、「真実の種(聖句)」を受け取り、どのように「その種を植え付けるか(心に取り入れるか)」、そして「その種に水を撒くか(実践するか)」について学びます。心を奮い立たせて下さい!神様はあなたの心に、主の豊かさで満ち溢れる美しい庭をあなたの心に育ててくださいます。この読書プランは、忙しいお母さん、独身の女性、そして大学生たちに最適です。