
Planting and Tending Your Garden
Read Ephesians 6:10-12.
Read this scripture prayerfully. It may be very familiar, but even if it is, slow down and make a mental list of the armor the Lord has given to you. He has not left us alone - He is right here with us.
How can you respond when you are afraid? When you are angry? When you are tempted? When the enemy is prowling around? How do we fight the battle in His strength and not our own? This is what Paul is trying to tell us, by using metaphors to help us see how to put on Christ and His strength. He tells us to put on:
The Belt of Truth
The Breastplate of Righteousness
The Gospel of Peace
The Shield of Faith
The Helmet of Salvation
The Sword of the Spirit
And to Pray at All Times!
Quietly recite today's focus verse to yourself. Hide it in your heart and meditate on it throughout the day.
Ephesians 6:11
"Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil."
Stand firm and don't give in to your feelings. Don't be conned by wrong thinking. Stop and take a time out before you act. Put on your armor and don't go into battle unprepared, ill equipped, or untrained. Be wise in using what the Lord has given to you. "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might!" So often we feel like a victim when we are under attack from the enemy. The truth is we are in a battle, on a battlefield. What does that mean? Take time to consider this. What adjustments do you need to make in your thinking? Are you not so fond of camo? Is the Lord revealing any resistance in your heart to the idea of living for another, of being a part of a battle group? 2 Timothy 2:3-4 says, "Share in suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No soldier gets entangled in civilian pursuits, since his aim is to please the one who enlisted him."
Stand against the devil.
Ask the Lord to bring to life all that has been planted in your heart today.

聖書には、季節を用いて神様の業が描写されています。この女性の為の40日間の読書プランは、キリストにおける成長を庭に 例えています。毎日、「真実の種(聖句)」を受け取り、どのように「その種を植え付けるか(心に取り入れるか)」、そして「その種に水を撒くか(実践するか)」について学びます。心を奮い立たせて下さい!神様はあなたの心に、主の豊かさで満ち溢れる美しい庭をあなたの心に育ててくださいます。この読書プランは、忙しいお母さん、独身の女性、そして大学生たちに最適です。
We would like to thank Thistlebend Ministries and author Laurie Aker for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: www.thistlebendcottage.org