
Planting and Tending Your Garden
Read Ephesians 5:15-21.
What does God want us to do with our time? What do you think Paul means when he says the days are evil?
Quietly recite today's focus verse to yourself. Hide it in your heart and meditate on it throughout the day.
Ephesians 5:15-16
"Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil."
We don't always see the darkness we are living in. The world around us is getting darker by the moment. The wonderful thing about a very dark night is that the stars shine so brightly! The mere presence of a child of light in the midst of the darkness can cause conviction in unbelievers. That is the role and work of the Holy Spirit. Don't be afraid to be the light.
You may not feel like the light. The enemy will try and convince you that you are having no effect whatsoever. Remember that little song you may have sung in preschool? "This little light of mine. I'm going to let it shine." You are shining. The darkness cannot overcome the light no matter what the devil might try to tell you. Time is such a huge resource, and we often waste it and don't make the most of it. Being a godly steward of time is so important because once time is gone it is gone. Would you really make it a point to look at how you use your time, not only today but through your week? What do you do with the riches of time the Lord has given to you? Are you using it to further the gospel or to be the body of Christ to those in your world or beyond? Take a moment to make the changes necessary in your schedule. And as you meditate on this scripture today, observe yourself and note how you use your time.
Make the best use of the time.
Ask the Lord to bring to life all that has been planted in your heart today.

聖書には、季節を用いて神様の業が描写されています。この女性の為の40日間の読書プランは、キリストにおける成長を庭に 例えています。毎日、「真実の種(聖句)」を受け取り、どのように「その種を植え付けるか(心に取り入れるか)」、そして「その種に水を撒くか(実践するか)」について学びます。心を奮い立たせて下さい!神様はあなたの心に、主の豊かさで満ち溢れる美しい庭をあなたの心に育ててくださいます。この読書プランは、忙しいお母さん、独身の女性、そして大学生たちに最適です。
We would like to thank Thistlebend Ministries and author Laurie Aker for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: www.thistlebendcottage.org