Daily Bible Reading – May 2021 God’s Word of Spiritual Renewalサンプル

Daily Bible Reading – May 2021 God’s Word of Spiritual Renewal

31日中 26日

May 26


At the end of Paul’s third missionary journey, he returned to Jerusalem where he was arrested and called upon to defend himself and his message (see Acts 21). Paul asked to be tried by the Roman Emperor (see Acts 25). As a Roman citizen, Paul had the right to have his case heard by the Emperor or the Emperor’s representative in Rome. It was the highest court in the land. Paul was then brought to Caesarea by Festus, the governor of Judea, to appear before King Agrippa. In today’s reading, Paul appears before King Agrippa who ruled over areas north and east of Lake Galilee. Paul tells the king of his conversion and his work among the Gentiles.

Today’s Scripture Reading: Acts 26:1-32

Today’s Key Verse: Acts 26:6

[Paul said:] “And now I stand here to be tried because of the hope I have in the promise that God made to our ancestors.”


What did Paul say in his defense? Do you think that Paul was trying to convert Agrippa? What did Agrippa say to Paul (verse 28)? What was Agrippa’s response to Paul’s case (verses 30-32)?

Have you ever been called upon to defend your beliefs? If so, how did you respond? 


Lord God, I trust in your promises and my hope is in you. Help me today to speak your word of truth with boldness and to obey your teachings. In your holy name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer Concern

All who hold public office

Tomorrow’s Reading

Acts 27:1-38:  Paul is taken to Rome.

25 27


Daily Bible Reading – May 2021 God’s Word of Spiritual Renewal

Daily Bible Reading is designed to facilitate consistent interaction with Scripture. It includes background information on each day’s Scripture passage and key verse for meditation, reflection questions to help you dive deeper into Scripture, a prayer and prayer concern to help you connect to God and be of spiritual support to others. Journey with us this month as we explore the theme “God’s Word of Spiritual Renewal.”
