You Are God's Masterpiece!サンプル

You Are God's Masterpiece!

3日中 1日

You Are Uniquely Loved!

Love is a central theme in the Bible and the foundation of its greatest commandments. These commandments are to love God with our entire being and love our neighbors as ourselves (Mark 12:29-31). 

What does this love look like? God shows us by example. He first loved us. He expressed His love by giving His best, His only Son. Sacrificing Jesus for our sins, God provided the way to reconciliation and eternal life with Him. This act of unconditional and unparalleled grace is a gift available to all. 

The same love God extends to us, He expects us to extend to ourselves and others. How can we do this? Through releasing the love living within in us in the Person of the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5). 

As we believe, receive, and experience God’s love, we return His love and grow in our ability to love ourselves and others. Importantly, the extent to which we love ourselves shapes how fully we can love others.

If you think it’s a challenge to love yourself, know you’re not alone. To help you overcome this challenge, meditate on these insights:

  • Humanity is God’s good idea (Genesis 1:26-31)
  • God personally formed man and woman (Genesis 2:7, 18, 21-23 and Isaiah 64:8)
  • God knows and loves each of us individually (Psalm 139:1-18; Jeremiah 31:3; Isaiah 46:3-4; and Luke 12:6-7)

I like how Max Lucado’s book, God Thinks You’re Wonderful, expresses our uniqueness in sharing, “You weren’t mass-produced. You aren’t an assembly-line product. You were deliberately planned, specifically gifted, and lovingly positioned on this earth…by the Master Crafts-Man."

Beloved and Unique child of God, your Daddy loves you!



You Are God's Masterpiece!

If you have ever struggled with your worth, this plan is for you. Why? Because this plan focuses on God’s good purpose and design of you. You are uniquely gifted. You are an original, made to succeed in fulfilling God’s good plan for your life. Fix your heart and mind on what God calls you. He calls you His poetry, workmanship, handiwork, prized possession, and masterpiece. You are special!
