The 10 Promises of Christmasサンプル

The 10 Promises of Christmas

11日中 11日

Day 11 - Receive the Promise of Christmas

Do you know who was the first person to receive Christmas presents? Jesus! After his birth a group of wise men came to worship him. They gave him three expensive gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. These gifts symbolized Jesus’ deity—holiness, excellence, and devotion—and the suffering love that would lead him to die on the cross for humanity. Perhaps we should say we were the first ones to receive a Christmas gift!

When you unwrap the story of Christmas, you receive the promises of Christmas: forgiveness from sins, release from shame and guilt, peace with God, and unending life. If you’d like to receive the gift of Jesus and all that he means for life, say a prayer like this to God:

God, I have sinned against you. I am truly sorry and I turn from my way of doing things. For the sake of Jesus have mercy on me and forgive me.

Jesus, I believe you died for me, and I thank you for your sacrifice. I believe you paid the price for my sins, and I trust your payment for my rescue. I believe God raised you from the dead, and I need that new life myself.

God, I give you my life. Fill me with your Spirit and help me live for you all my days. Amen.

With this prayer you have begun your walk with Jesus and are now part of God’s family. Welcome, and begin enjoying and living the story of Christmas!

The 10 Promises of Christmas is adapted from The Story of Christmas .  



The 10 Promises of Christmas

The story of Christmas offers a great promise. It speaks into the hopelessness and restlessness of our day by revealing a God who has been on mission to save us. From the beginning of our human story, God promised a Rescuer. When he made good on that promise, he did so in an unexpected way: by sending his Son! Come experience this story and unwrap the promises it offers you.
