Don't Be Afraid, Just Have Faithサンプル

Don't Be Afraid, Just Have Faith

7日中 1日

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The truth most of us have come to know is that, life is not a straight line. Life sometimes throws curved balls; a lot of things play out differently than we imagine or plan. Even as believers, things happen that challenge and attempt to shake our faith in God. God knows the world we live in is not perfect. “… despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.” Romans 8:37.

So, what does God do? “…God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them” Roman 8:28. Every time you are faced with a challenge [a problem], you need to see it as an opportunity to trust God. Why? Each challenge [test] we face presents us with two choices - draw close to God or pull away from God. God wants you and I to see tests as an opportunity to draw close to Him and not to pull away from Him. Perspective is everything in the storms of life. 

We are going to be studying two Bible characters - Jairus and the woman with the issue of blood, their unique challenges and their responses. Please read Mark 5:21-43. The first thing that stands out for both characters is something a lot of people miss. Which is, none of them had a relationship with Jesus. This is so counter ‘religious Christian’ culture, right? Well, I apologize if this messes up your theology. But it will interest you to know that in the Book of Matthew alone, there are twenty-three healing miracles. Twenty-one of which were performed on total strangers; people who did not know or have a relationship with Jesus. 

Jesus never [not once] asked anyone to surrender his or her life to God before He heals them. You do not have to have a relationship with Jesus for Him to answer your prayers or heal you. Why is this important? A lot of people have been held bound by the feeling that God is not answering their prayers because they are not good enough. I believe God put these examples in the Bible to help us trash the “I am not good enough” lie the devil tries to sell to us. There was no time in the scriptures that Jesus demanded repentance before healing. The Bible says in Acts 2:21 “But everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’” – everyone!

Do not get me wrong, I am not saying that salvation and having a relationship with Jesus is not important. What is the point in getting healed and going to hell? None! However, it is God’s goodness and His kindness that leads to repentance. When we come to the realization that there is no where and no one outside God that can heal, save, deliver, and renew – we pursue Him. 

What tests are before you even now? – change your perspective and see the tests as an opportunity to draw closer to God. 



Don't Be Afraid, Just Have Faith

You do not have to have a relationship with Jesus for Him to answer your prayer! Come to God in faith and combine your faith with His grace to experience a miracle.
