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She Journeys

28日中 16日

Summer- Written by Rose Snowzell

Day 16 - LAUGH

Summer is classically known as a time of joy. A season when carefree memories are made, and life is filled with fun. Perhaps more than any other season of life, summer is a time of laughter and dancing, Ecclesiastes 3:4. When life is less focused on challenge our souls feel lighter, and we can take the time to enjoy our surroundings and the journey that we find ourselves on. This is  not a trivial addition, laughter is actually good for us! God has engineered our bodies to benefit from joy; laughter can decrease blood pressure, reduce stress hormones, and boost immune systems. More biological benefits of having a giggle are being discovered all the time. 

What kind of joy-offering could you bring to God in this season?

What can you do to increase the laughter in your life?

We’re not called to be those who only experience joy in our own lives, et’s also be those who help others find their joy in their season. Laugh with someone else who is ready for the lightness that comes from following, and trusting, a loving, generous God. Turn up the music and get dancing! Let your joy overflow. Some of us need to embrace our child-like nature again, try not to take ourselves too seriously, and express the happiness that is swelling up in this season as the Psalmist does in Psalm 126:2-3

How can you bring joy and laughter into the lives of those around you today?

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She Journeys

We all go through seasons of life, some bring us joy, some bring us sorrow, but each one teaches us something of God's heart for us. Join us as we explore some of these seasons and navigate how to journey them well!
