[Acts Inspiration For Transformation Series] The Unstoppable Force Of The Gospelサンプル

[Acts Inspiration For Transformation Series] The Unstoppable Force Of The Gospel

7日中 1日

Good News For All People

Pastor Zack Cherian

In chapter 15 of the book of Acts, we read that the early church faced one of the biggest challenges we as Christians face every day of our lives. The challenge consists of whether to trust in God or in ourselves­­­—faith or work-driven religion.

In the mentioned chapter, thoroughly documented, Luke introduces us to a tipping point in the history of the early church. The challenge they faced: the inclusion of Gentiles into the Christian faith. Think about the implications of this decision; the history of the entire world could have been entirely different if the Holy Spirit had not guided the apostles. The Great Commission could have been in jeopardy. 

There were two distinct points of view. One view was that the Gentiles could not be saved unless they were circumcised—this idea contrasted with Paul and Barnabas’s teaching of salvation through faith in Christ. To resolve the issue, Paul and Barnabas, who were considered the heads of the Gentile church in Antioch, were asked to appear before the Jerusalem Council. 

Paul testified of the great miracles God had done among the Gentiles and defended the authenticity of their salvation. It was God who had entrusted this ministry to him—preaching the gospel to the Gentiles. We can read Paul’s position and testimonies in his letters. All through them, he notes that we have been saved by grace through faith and not by works so that no one can boast. In Galatians, he declares that Jesus became a curse for us and fulfilled the law entirely and that for this reason, we are no longer constrained by the dictates of the law. Instead, we are called to obey the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  

That day in front of the Council, Peter spoke up and defended Paul, noting that God makes no distinction between Jew and Gentile. He added that God had given the Holy Spirit and purified the hearts of both people groups without favoritism or prejudice. All those who believe in Jesus as their Lord and Savior receive salvation! 

The result of the decision they reached on that blessed day, has been the reason why millions of people today are free from traditions and work-driven religion. All because they were sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit. They rose above the challenge and embraced the Great Commission—preach the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ to every creature. No favoritism or prejudice. Pure, radical, and raw love. 


Have you ever faced this same challenge the Christians of the early church met—relying on your works rather than in Jesus sacrifice? Can you trust in Jesus and put your faith in Him alone for your salvation? Today, let me encourage you to allow the Holy Spirit to guide you and enable you to share the good news of the gospel at every opportunity. Let us respond to the Great Commission by laying aside all biases. Our decision can change history.

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[Acts Inspiration For Transformation Series] The Unstoppable Force Of The Gospel

The message of the Gospel contains such power in it that becomes an unstoppable force. Join the apostles in the fulfillment of the Great Commission. The struggles and opposition they faced are no different from the ones we encounter today. Learn from them, be inspired and filled with the power of the Holy Spirit to become an ambassador of the Kingdom of God–be unstoppable!
