Jesus Loves Addictsサンプル

Jesus Loves Addicts

7日中 3日

Substance Addiction: The History

I already told you about my childhood friend Richard and our experimentation with drugs. One of the substances we tested was LSD. On more than one occasion, I had a bad “trip” that produced images of 100-foot stuffed dinosaurs, rapidly growing hair, and worms crawling out of my face when I looked in the mirror. These hallucinatory visuals were both exciting and terribly frightening.

Since ancient times, people have been dependent on and used plants in some form to alter their mental state. Throughout the Old Testament, there are references both to excessive alcohol use (see Proverbs 20:1; 31:4-6; Isaiah 28:7) and plants that have physical side effects—like the mandrake (see Genesis 30:14; Song of Solomon 7:13).

When we turn to the New Testament, we see the Greek word pharmakeia, a term from which we get our word pharmacy, used to describe four practices: drug use, poisoning, sorcery and magical arts, and as a figurative description of the deceptions of idolatry.

When the apostle Paul listed sorcery as a work of the flesh in Galatians 5:20, he used the word pharmakeia. Some believe he was referring to the use of drugs during pagan worship ceremonies.

I understand from personal experience the correlation between drugs and the occult. One time, during a high school trip to Mexico, an acquaintance and I used drugs to attempt to contact the spirit world and engage in spirit writing. This blatantly demonic activity is often used as an occult gateway to acquire spiritual power.

The Harsh Reality

Even without its connection to the occult, there are many reasons a person begins an involvement with a substance. Josh McDowell noted that the causes of drug abuse range from peer pressure to sexual and physical abuse, parental example, and a need to escape. The Mayo Clinic summarizes the causes of addiction as environment and genetics, although the theory of genetic tendencies hasn’t been conclusively proven.

For our purposes here, drugs refer to any substance that is ingested to create an effect—everything from prescription pills, cigarettes, marijuana, and alcohol to so-called “harder” drugs like heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamines. Though there are several reasons drug addiction occurs, the basic fact remains: drug dependency is a harsh reality that yields harsher results.

If you’re caught in this lifestyle, you know that already; you may even be wondering how to get out of it. For you, and for people trying to help you, I offer encouragement to face your addiction biblically, compassionately, and with accountability. Be ruthless with your addiction, and be resolute in your commitment to God’s truth. Jesus loves you and can help you.

For Further Thought

If substance addiction is an issue for you, seek a Christian counselor, pastor, or friend to come alongside you, pray with you, and hold you accountable as you walk through this challenge. If you know someone dealing with substance addiction, pray about being that person for them or at least pointing them to a reliable Christian support program.

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Jesus Loves Addicts

Jesus loves all people—including those who struggle with addiction. In this 7-day devotional, Skip Heitzig discusses the reality of addictive behavior in our world and looks at the sickness of substance, sexual, and social addiction. Through daily Bible reading, relevant insight, and For Further Thought challenges, Skip offers encouragement and biblical solutions to help addicts—and the people who love them—walk in the light and hope of Christ.
