Happy Trails: Journey Through the Psalms of Ascentサンプル

Happy Trails: Journey Through the Psalms of Ascent

15日中 7日

In today’s Psalm of Ascent, we read the author praising God for the restoration of the fortunes of Zion. The praise declared in the first three verses is inspired by the monumental day of the Jewish people returning to their beloved homeland after many years in captivity. While in bondage, the hearts of the people were softened and turned to the Lord in repentance for their rebellious ways. Spiritual liberation was brought forth right in the middle of physical bondage.

If today you find yourself again sowing more tears than laughter, take heart, my friend. Trust in the Lord to bring forth your freedom right where you are. He desires in this moment to deliver you not only on a physical level, but to also set you free from the chains that are holding your heart captive. In the bleakest of circumstances, in the hour you least expect Him to be able to work, He wants to surprise you with His goodness and mercy.

Wait on the Lord. Open your hands and invite His Spirit to fill your empty spaces. Cast every care you are carrying on Him, no matter how heavy or how small it may be, because He cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7) Sow the precious seeds of repentance. Cry out to Him at His feet. Hold nothing back. Worship Him right where you are for He is worthy, and He is with you. Let Him lift up your head. You are being restored in the midst of your bondage, beloved child of Zion. “Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy.” (Verse 5, ESV)

  1. Do believe you have to be well before approaching God’s throne?
  2. How has God used your tears to bring forth fruit and freedom in your life?
  3. Ask God to reveal to you what seeds of repentance you have refused to sow.
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Happy Trails: Journey Through the Psalms of Ascent

The 15 Psalms of Ascent were traditionally sung by pilgrims as they made a mountainous journey to Jerusalem for the annual feast, and are now songs for us to sing in our journey toward our true home in heaven. During this 15-day reading plan we will dive into these pilgrim songs focusing on one Psalm per day.
