

12日中 10日

Belong Together with Vision and Purpose to Grow as Friends

Finish this sentence: A friend is a person who _______. Cares, listens, shows up, stays, joins, gives, challenges—there are so many ways to fill in that blank. That’s what friends do, isn’t it? They fill in the blanks in our lives.

When we’re not acting right and we don’t see it, friends kindly let us know. When we’re alone, they show up. When we’re hurting, they listen. When we’re trying something new, friends cheer us on. 

As friends, we give up something we have, to give others something they need. 

This is a vision of where your group is headed. You may have only been meeting for four weeks or four months and still feel like you’re not there yet. That’s okay. This takes time. 

For now, your purpose can be to fill in the blank for others in your group. Does someone need help fixing a car, a friend to talk with over coffee, or someone to cheer them on? When you have a blank to fill, that’s a place where you can belong. 

As you watch today’s video and read today’s Scriptures, answer these questions. How has someone in this group been a friend to you recently or in the past? What do you hope to get out of friendships in this group? 

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We wondered how friendships work. So, we invited seven very different people to talk, eat, pray, and even cry together. We saw something. People became friends. Whether your LifeGroup is new or growing strong, join with Life.Church to discover what it truly means to belong. 
