5日中 3日


Checking one’s attitude and motives regarding leadership in church, families, community, government and work is paramount as one aims to live a God-honoring life. Disagreements will happen but when one deliberately disrespectfully bucks & rebels God-ordained leadership, consequences follow. 

Korah rebelled against God-honoring Leadership and rose up against the chosen man of God, Moses with claims alluding that Moses exalted himself before the others and that they were all holy in the sight of God too. God is the one who exalted Moses, but when pride, jealously and hate sets in one can easily distort truth and the call of God on one’s life. 

Moses was commanded by God to lead his people, but Korah rebelled against God-ordained leadership and corralled others to join in. Moses fell down in prayer before the LORD regarding Korah’s actions because he already knew (God is not mocked what one man sows is what he reaps) and the danger of deliberately rebelling against God honoring leadership.

 The Lord instructed Moses and Aaron to separate themselves from among the rebellious congregation to consume them immediately but Moses and Aaron interceded on behalf of the entire congregation and addressed the key rebels in the group Korah, Dathan, & Abiram. 

The LORD caused these men to die a death that was a new thing, the ground under them split open and swallowed them alive to Sheol and their households and all the men who supported Korah and their possessions. The ground covered back up and fire also came forth from the LORD and consumed the two hundred and fifty men who were endorsers of Korah’s rebellion.

 It is important to follow God and not man but when God places a God-honoring chosen man or woman of God to lead his people, he will confirm that persons call through his word, because God’s words are never void. If one feels as if they don’t believe a particular person is called, there are certain spiritual processes that must be followed which include, Prayer, Fasting, seeking Godly counsel but rebelling against God honoring leadership and causing fights and stirring up mess is sure to bring a Boomerang effect that the accuser is not ready for. 

Korah displayed an attitude of rebellion, sought to take Moses out and discredit him, but ended up being discredited for his dastardly deed straight to death, He and his followers, family and possessions. Boomerang!

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Children of God have absolutely nothing to worry about. Although the enemy comes at different angles to challenge, trick or attempt to thwart the plans of God for one’s life, God has already fixed everything for the believer who walks according to His will, word and way. In the BOOMERANG Bible plan readers will discover in scripture that there are consequences to every action, plan and decision. 
