NIV Leadership Bible Reading Planサンプル

NIV Leadership Bible Reading Plan

13日中 12日


The main goal for godly leaders – and Christians in general – is to reflect the life of Christ in their own lives. And the character trait that best enables us to do that is humility. After exhorting the Philippians to lay aside their personal interests and focus on the needs of others, Paul tells us how to follow the example of Christ (see vv. 5-11). From this beautiful passage we learn three things about our Lord that model for us the essence of humility.

First, Jesus didn't selfishly cling to the outer expression of his divinity. Instead, he took the form of a servant. A humble leader doesn't flaunt their position or power. Instead, they identify with the weakest member of the team. Second, Jesus demonstrated humility through obedience to God the Father. A humble leader doesn't impose their will on God, but submits to God's commands. Third, Jesus waited for his Father to lift him up. A humble leader doesn't grab for power or position. They patiently wait for God to increase their influence.

Jesus didn't come as a king, but as a helpless infant (see Luke 2). Although he was perfectly God and perfectly human at the same time (see John 1:14), he lived his life as a humble laborer. After he began his ministry, he demonstrated humble service to others in the miracles he performed, as well as his instruction to his disciples. When the time came for him to die, he submitted to his Father's divine will (see Mark 14:36). And now, seated in power at the right hand of God, he intercedes on our behalf (see Acts 5:29-32). As the perfect model for godly leadership, Jesus set the perfect example of humility. Ask God to help you follow Jesus' example as you seek to demonstrate the kind of humility that will cause others to see Jesus in you.

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NIV Leadership Bible Reading Plan

If you have 15 minutes, you have time to become a great leader. This reading plan is derived from the NIV Leadership Bible which has been endorsed by many of today’s top Christian business leaders and business writers. This 13-day reading plan will help you begin your journey to becoming the leader God intended you to be. Topics include courage, humility, vision, conflict management and more.
