Proverbs 14

Wise People Live Righteously
1The wisest of women builds up her home,
but a stupid one tears it down with her own hands.
2Whoever lives right fears the Lord,
but a person who is devious in his ways despises him.
3Because of a stubborn fool’s words a whip is lifted against him,
but wise people are protected by their speech.
4Where there are no cattle, the feeding trough is empty,
but the strength of an ox produces plentiful harvests.
5A trustworthy witness does not lie,
but a dishonest witness breathes lies.
6A mocker searches for wisdom without finding it,
but knowledge comes easily to a person who has understanding.
7Stay away from a fool,
because you will not receive knowledge from his lips.
8The wisdom of a sensible person guides his way of life,
but the stupidity of fools misleads them.
9Stubborn fools make fun of guilt,
but there is forgiveness among decent people.
10The heart knows its own bitterness,
and no stranger can share its joy.
11The houses of wicked people will be destroyed,
but the tents of decent people will continue to expand.
12There is a way that seems right to a person,
but eventually it ends in death.
13Even while laughing a heart can ache,
and joy can end in grief.
14A heart that turns ⌞from God⌟ becomes bored with its own ways,
but a good person is satisfied with God’s ways.
15A gullible person believes anything,
but a sensible person watches his step.
16A wise person is cautious and turns away from evil,
but a fool is careless and overconfident.
17A short-tempered person acts stupidly,
and a person who plots evil is hated.
18Gullible people are gifted with stupidity,
but sensible people are crowned with knowledge.
19Evil people will bow to good people.
Wicked people will bow at the gates of a righteous person.
20A poor person is hated even by his neighbor,
but a rich person is loved by many.
21Whoever despises his neighbor sins,
but blessed is the one who is kind to humble people.
22Don’t those who stray plan what is evil,
while those who are merciful and faithful plan what is good?
23In hard work there is always something gained,
but idle talk leads only to poverty.
24The crown of wise people is their wealth.
The stupidity of fools is just that—stupidity!
25An honest witness saves lives,
but one who tells lies is dangerous.
26In the fear of the Lord there is strong confidence,
and his children will have a place of refuge.
27The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life
to turn ⌞one⌟ away from the grasp of death.
28A large population is an honor for a king,
but without people a ruler is ruined.
29A person of great understanding is patient,
but a short temper is the height of stupidity.
30A tranquil heart makes for a healthy body,
but jealousy is ⌞like⌟ bone cancer.
31Whoever oppresses the poor insults his maker,
but whoever is kind to the needy honors him.
32A wicked person is thrown down by his own wrongdoing,
but even in his death a righteous person has a refuge.
33Wisdom finds rest in the heart of an understanding person.
Even fools recognize this.
Wise Ways to Live
34Righteousness lifts up a nation,
but sin is a disgrace in any society.
35A king is delighted with a servant who acts wisely,
but he is furious with one who acts shamefully.


Proverbs 14: GW





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