Psalms 40
To the director: A song of David.
1I called#40:1 called Or “waited patiently.” to the Lord, and he heard me.
He heard my cries.
2He lifted me out of the grave.#40:2 grave Literally, “pit of destruction.” That is, “Sheol,” the place of death.
He lifted me from that muddy place.#40:2 muddy place In many ancient stories, Sheol, the place of death, is a dark place with mud all around, like a grave.
He picked me up, put me on solid ground,
and kept my feet from slipping.
3He put a new song#40:3 new song Whenever God did a new and wonderful thing for his people, they would write a new song about it. in my mouth,
a song of praise to our God.
Many will see what he did and worship him.
They will put their trust in the Lord.
4Great blessings belong to those who trust in the Lord,
for those who do not turn to demons and false gods#40:4 demons and false gods Or “proud and deceptive people.” for help.
5Lord my God, you have done many amazing things!
You have made great plans for us—too many to list.
I could talk on and on about them,
because there are too many to count.
6Lord, you made me understand this:#40:6 you made … this Literally, “you have dug my ears.” The ancient Greek version has “you prepared a body for me.”
You don’t really want sacrifices and grain offerings.
You don’t want burnt offerings and sin offerings.
7So I said, “Here I am,
ready to do what was written about me in the book.
8My God, I am happy to do whatever you want.
I never stop thinking about your teachings.”
9I told the good news of victory#40:9 victory Or “goodness” or “righteousness.” to the people in the great assembly.
And, Lord, you know that I will never stop telling that good news.
10I told about the good things you did.
I did not hide these things in my heart.
I spoke of how you can be trusted to save us.
I did not hide your love and loyalty from those in the great assembly.
11Lord, do not hide your mercy from me.
Let your love and loyalty always protect me.
12Troubles have surrounded me.
They are too many to count!
My sins have caught me,
and I cannot escape them.
They are more than the hairs on my head.
I have lost my courage.
13Please, Lord, rescue me!
Lord, hurry and help me!
14People are trying to kill me.
Please disappoint them.
Humiliate them completely!
They wanted to hurt me.
Make them run away in shame!
15May those who make fun of me
be too embarrassed to speak!
16But may those who come to you be happy and rejoice.
May those who love being saved by you always be able to say, “Praise the Lord!”#40:16 Praise the Lord Literally, “The Lord is great” or “May the Lord be magnified.”
17My Lord, I am only a poor, helpless man,
but please pay attention to me.
You are my helper, the one who can save me.
My God, don’t be too late.
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