Psalms 36

To the director: A song of David, the Lord’s servant.
1Deep in the hearts of the wicked a voice tells them to do wrong.
They have no respect for God.
2They lie to themselves.
They don’t see their own faults,
so they are not sorry for what they do.
3Their words are wicked lies.
They have stopped doing anything wise or good.
4They make wicked plans in bed at night.
They choose a way of life that does no good.
And they never say no to anything evil.
5Lord, your faithful love reaches to the sky.
Your faithfulness is as high as the clouds.
6Your goodness is higher than the highest mountains.
Your fairness is deeper than the deepest ocean.
Lord, you protect people and animals.
7Nothing is more precious than your loving kindness.
All people can find protection close to you.
8They get strength from all the good things in your house.
You let them drink from your wonderful river.
9The fountain of life flows from you.
Your light lets us see light.
10Continue to love those who really know you,
and do good to those who are true to you.#36:10 true to you Or “honest hearted.”
11Don’t let proud people trap me.
Don’t let the wicked force me to run away.
12Put this on their grave markers:
“Here fell the wicked.
They were crushed.
They will never stand up again.”


Psalms 36: ERV





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