Noo Luke 10
1Ny lurg shoh, doardee yn Chiarn three-feed as jeih elley, as hug eh ad magh jees as jees roish hene, gys dy chooilley ard-valley as ynnyd, raad v’eh hene ry-hoi cheet. 2Shen-y-fa dooyrt eh roo, Ta’n fouyr dy jarroo mooar, agh ta ny labreeyn beggan: guee-jee shiuish er-y-fa shen er Chiarn y fouyr, eh dy chur magh labreeyn gys y fouyr echey. 3Immee-jee eisht: cur-jee my-ner, ta mish dyn goyrt shiu magh myr eayin mastey moddee-oaldey. 4Ny cur-jee lhieu sporran, ny spagey, ny braagyn: as ny jean-jee cumrail ayns goltaghey dooinney erbee er y raad. 5As thie erbee dy jed shiu stiagh ayn, abbyr-jee hoshiaght, Shee dy row gys y thie shoh. 6As my vees mac ny shee ayns shen, nee yn chee eu tannaghtyn er: mannagh vel, chyndaa-ee eh hiu hene reesht. 7As ayns y thie cheddin fuirree-jee, gee as giu lheid as ver ad reue: son ta’n labree toilliu e aill. Ny gow-jee veih thie dy thie. 8As ard-valley erbee dy jed shiu stiagh ayn, as ad dy oltaghey nyn mea, ee-jee lheid as vees soit reue. 9As slaanee-jee yn sleih chingey t’ayn, as abbyr-jee roo, Ta reeriaght Yee er jeet er-gerrey diu. 10Agh ard-valley erbee dy jed shiu stiagh ayn, as nagh jean goaill riu, gow-jee reue magh ayns ny straidyn oc, as abbyr-jee, 11Eer joan yn ard-valley eu, ta lhiantyn hooin, ta shin dy chraa j’in nyn ’oï eu: ny-yeih, bee-jee shickyr jeh shoh, dy vel reeriaght Yee er jeet er-gerrey diu. 12Agh ta mish gra riu, dy bee eh ny sassey da Sodom ec y laa shen, na da’n ard-valley shen. 13Smerg dhyt’s Chorazin, smerg dhyt’s Vethsaida: son dy beagh ny obbraghyn yindyssagh er ve jeant ayns Tyre as Sidon, t’er ny ve jeant ayndiuish, veagh ad er ghoaill arrys foddey er-dy-henney ayns aanrit-sack as leoie. 14Agh bee kerraghey s’eddrym er ny choyrt er Tyre as Sidon ec y vriwnys, na vees er ny choyrt erriuish. 15As uss Chapernaum, ta dty ooashley roshtyn gys niau, bee oo er dty hilgey sheese gys niurin. 16Eshyn eaishtys riuish, t’eh geaishtagh rhym’s: as eshyn ta soiaghey beg jiuish, t’eh soiaghey beg jeem’s: as eshyn ta soiaghey beg jeem’s, t’eh soiaghey beg jehsyn ta er my choyrt.
17As haink y three-feed as jeih huggey reesht lesh boggey, gra, Hiarn, ta ny eer drogh-spyrrydyn biallagh dooin, trooid dty ennym’s. 18As dooyrt eh roo, Honnick mee Noid-ny-hanmey, myr tendreil, tuittym veih niau. 19Cur-my-ner, ta mish coyrt diu pooar dy chur fo-chosh ard-nieughyn as scorpionee, as ooilley pooar y noid; as cha jean nhee ’sy theihll, er aght erbee, skielley diu. 20Ny-yeih ayns shoh ny gow-jee boggey, dy vel ny spyrrydyn biallagh diu: agh gow-jee boggey smoo, dy vel ny enmyn eu scruit ayns niau.
21Ayns yn oor cheddin ghow Yeesey boggey ayns e spyrryd, as dooyrt eh, Ta mee cur booise dhyt, O Ayr, Hiarn niau as thalloo, dy vel oo er cheiltyn ny reddyn shoh vouesyn ta creeney as tushtagh, as dy vel oo er hoilshaghey ad da oikanyn: shen dy jarroo myr te, Ayr, son shen myr ve mie ayns dty hilley’s. 22Ta dy chooilley nhee er ny livrey dooys liorish my Ayr: as cha vel fys ec unnane erbee quoi yn Mac, agh yn Ayr; ny quoi yn Ayr, agh yn Mac, as eshyn da nee yn Mac eh y hoilshaghey.
23As hyndaa eh gys e ostyllyn, as dooyrt eh er-lheh, Bannit ta ny sooillyn ta fakin ny reddyn ta shiuish dy akin. 24Son ta mee ginsh diu, dy vel ymmodee phadeyryn as reeaghyn er ve aignagh dy akin ny reddyn shen ta shiuish er vakin, as cha vel ad er vakin ad; as dy chlashtyn ny reddyn ta shiuish dy chlashtyn, as cha vel ad er chlashtyn ad.
25As cur-my-ner, hass fer-ynsee dy row jeh’n leigh seose, er-chee y phrowal eh, gra, Vainshter, cre t’orrym’s dy yannoo dy vod eiraght y ve aym ayns y vea veayn? 26Dooyrt eshyn rish, Cre ta scruit ayns y leigh? kys t’ou lhaih? 27As dreggyr eshyn as dooyrt eh, Ver oo graih da’n Chiarn dty Yee lesh ooilley dty chree, as lesh ooilley dty annym, as lesh ooilley dty niart, as lesh ooilley dty aigney; as da dty naboo myr dhyt hene. 28As dooyrt eh rish, T’ou er n’ansoor dy mie: jean shoh, as yiow yn vea. 29Agh v’eshyn booiagh eh-hene y heyrey, as dooyrt eh rish Yeesey, As quoi my naboo? 30As dreggyr Yeesey, gra, Hie dooinney dy row sheese veih Jerusalem gys Jericho, as huitt eh mastey maarlee, rooisht eh jeh e choamrey, as lhott ad eh, as hie ad rhymboo, erreish daue v’er vaagail eh lieh-varroo. 31As haghyr eh da saggyrt dy row goll sheese y raad shen; as tra honnick eh eh, hie eh shaghey er y derrey heu jeh. 32As myrgeddin Levite, tra v’eh ec yn ynnyd, haink eh as yeeagh eh er, as hie eh shaghey er y cheu elley. 33Agh haink Samaritan dy row, myr v’eh er e yurnah, raad v’eh: as tra honnick eh eh, va chymmey echey er. 34As hie eh huggey, as chiangle eh seose ny lhottyn echey, niee ad lesh ooil as feeyn, as hoie eh eh er e vaagh hene, as hug eh lesh eh gys thie-oast, as ghow eh kiarail jeh. 35As laa-ny-vairagh tra v’eh goll roish, ghow eh daa pheesh dy argid as hug eh ad da mainshter y thie-oast as dooyrt eh rish, Gow kiarail jeh; as cre-erbee smoo vaarys oo er, eeck-ym dhyt eh, tra hig-ym reesht. 36Quoi nish jeu shoh nyn droor, t’ou uss dy smooinaghtyn, va ny naboo dasyn huitt mastey ny maarlee? 37As dooyrt eh rish, Eshyn ren myghin y hoilshaghey er, Eisht dooyrt Yeesey rish, Immee, as jean uss er yn aght cheddin.
38Nish haink eh gy-kione, myr v’ad goll, dy jagh ad stiagh ayns balley-beg dy row: as ren ben v’ayns shen enmyssit Martha, eh y chuirrey gys y thie eck. 39As va shuyr eck enmyssit Moirrey, hoie myrgeddin ec cassyn Yeesey, clashtyn e ghoo. 40Agh va Martha tooillit lesh y phreish vooar v’urree, as haink ee huggey, as dooyrt ee, Hiarn, nee dty aigney’s eh dy vel my huyr er n’aagail y currym orrym’s my-lomarcan dy hirveish er y cheshaght? abbyr r’ee er-y-fa shen, ee dy chooney lhiam. 41As dreggyr Yeesey, as dooyrt eh r’ee, Martha, Martha, t’ou ro imneagh as seaghnit mysh ymmodee nheeghyn: 42Agh un red ta ymmyrchagh. As ta Moirrey er reih yn ayrn vie shen, nagh bee er ny ghoaill ersooyl vo-ee.
First published in 1775, revised and published by the British and Foreign Bible Society in 1819.