7 Days To Open Up Your LifeSýnishorn

7 Days To Open Up Your Life

DAY 4 OF 7


Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries, and other gift-giving occasions are great—especially if giving and receiving gifts is one of your love languages. And while it's a blessing both to give and receive gifts, we can sometimes wind up importing our practical thinking about gifts into our spiritual thinking about them.

See, the fact is: you've been given a gift. God has blessed you with various gifts and talents. But the other fact is this: unlike Christmas gifts, the gifts God has given you aren't for you—they're for others!

And who better to give your gifts to than your spouse!

So here's your challenge for today: do you know your spiritual gifts? If so, how can you use those to serve your spouse today? Just like you would serve your community, or your church, or your kids, serve your spouse with your spiritual gifts today and see what happens!

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