Eve's Daughters - Life Lessons From Women In Scripture: Part 2 Sýnishorn

Eve's Daughters - Life Lessons From Women In Scripture: Part 2

DAY 4 OF 7

The Widows 

Do you ever feel like your circumstances have IMPOSSIBLE written all over them?

I imagine that is how both the widows with Elijah and Elisha felt.  Once happily married with many hopes and dreams for the future, each one found themselves in a position of loneliness, poverty and desperation.  

Yet, each one was required to take a leap of faith.  Elijah asked the widow to use the last of her flour and oil to make him a meal.  The only thing is that she had actually planned on making that as the last meal for her son and herself before they died.  The widow who approached Elisha for help was instructed to go to her neighbors and ask for jars.  This likely just added to her humiliation with creditors pursuing her and threatening to take her sons away.  

Did I mention that they’re both poor and at the end of their rope? However, what we read about both of these widows is that they were willing to obey and trust these prophets’ instructions.  As a result, their dire situations went from impossible to POSSIBLE.  Each widow experienced a miracle that took them from poverty to plenty!

As a college freshman, I felt God calling me to a profession which was not approved of by my family.  I respected their wishes and sorrowfully abandoned my dreams.  The prospect of my desired career seemed impossible.  But one semester later, I felt prompted by the Holy Spirit to take a leap of faith and step outside of my comfort zone.  Pushing past the fear, I trusted God to give me the courage to apply to the college of my dreams. After a successful interview, I received my acceptance letter.  Once I told my family, they were disappointed, but agreed to this change.  What I once thought was just a dream became a reality!

God knows us and He knows our every need.  He is able to supply according to His riches in glory but are we willing to be women of extraordinary faith? Do we trust God and that in our weakness, He is made strong? I pray that you are challenged today to believe in God for the miracle you desire and that you have the courage to do what He prompts you to with faith and boldness.  


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