Millennial Kingdom LeaderSýnishorn

Millennial Kingdom Leader

DAY 2 OF 8

Qualifying the Called


This is a faithful saying. If you desire the position of leadership, you desire a good work. The word here is "bishop," the transliteration of the Greek word for bishop is episkopos, which means an overseer, supervisor, or ruler. Therefore, an overseer is a man called by God to keep an eye on his flock, providing care and protection - your function, as leader, is to have deep interest and compassion towards those who follow you. The leader must care about the current state of their followers spiritually, and coach their followers to their next phase of development. 

There's something special about being the prototype. The leader; in a church, family, business, or organization, sets the tone and spirit of the environment and the people in it. Remember, the character of the leader becomes the spirit of the people. We have to understand that leadership has the ability to cultivate, teach, influence, and direct. Paul's qualifications set high standards because to aim low won't advance the Kingdom, instead it will delay the manifestation of the Kingdom. 

You're not exempt from making a mistake but your goal should be to press forward towards the leader you are becoming in Christ. 

Now that we've taken the filter off and compared ourselves against biblical qualifications for leadership, let's look at some characteristics that millennials find consistent with the definition of a "true leader."

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About this Plan

Millennial Kingdom Leader

A millennial kingdom leader has a well-outlined vision, the ability to communicate the vision and the anointing to leverage vision to transform lives. In today's culture, the idea of leadership has been distorted by social popularity, where the filter of image gains followers ' so ignore them. They are blind guides leading the blind, and if one blind person guides another, they will both fall into a ditch. ' Matthew 15:14. In this eight day devotional we'll learn that the core of a leader influences the spirit of the people, we'll outline biblical qualifications for a leader, identify leadership characteristics that are displayed throughout the Bible, and prepare the next generation of leaders. A leader's main objective is to reproduce more leaders whether in the church or in the marketplace. To be effective in your role as leader, you have to bear fruit - that process starts from within.
