When It Hurts…Sýnishorn

When It Hurts…

DAY 10 OF 10

Loved. Accepted. Forgiven. 

When we make a mistake, we can end up beating ourselves up about it for ages. We overthink it, worry about it, think we’ve failed and anticipate that we’ll just fail again. Once we’re in this mindset, it’s dangerous. Our self-esteem evaporates and we can label ourselves as failures. But this isn’t our identity. It’s true that we’ll make mistakes. James wrote, “We all stumble in many ways” and Solomon said, “There’s not one totally good person on earth, Not one who is truly pure and sinless” (Ecclesiastes 7:20 MSG). We will fail. But we aren’t failures. It’s good to recognize where we’re going wrong, so that we can try and avoid making the same mistakes again. But when we start living out of a place of guilt and shame, we’ve let God’s truth about who we are become drowned out. The truth is that we’re loved by God and accepted by Him. He doesn’t see all our mistakes and condemn us. Instead, He sees the mistakes, forgives us and continues to love and accept us. The Bible says, “There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1 NIV). God isn’t condemning us, so we need to stop condemning ourselves. We’re all works in progress. In Philippians 1, it says, “God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns” (v.6 NLT). God’s working on us, and He’ll finish what He’s started. He’s not a harsh God who’s angry when we make mistakes. He’s gentle with us. So, let’s be gentle with ourselves, too. 

What Now?

The next time you find yourself focusing on your mistakes, declare out loud “I am accepted and forgiven by God.” 


Dag 9

About this Plan

When It Hurts…

When we’re going through difficult times, feeling overwhelmed by things, or just having a bad day, we can often feel that we’re alone and that nobody understands what we’re going through. But God understands, and He’s promised to never leave us. This 10-day devotional features readings taken from UCB’s daily devotional Word For You, to help you draw closer to God through difficult and desperate times, and reassuring you that He’s beside you whatever you’re facing.
