KB - 100Sýnishorn

KB - 100

DAY 19 OF 21

Feasting and Starving

Cherokee American Indians have traditionally taught that there is a battle between two ‘wolves’ inside us all. One wolf represents all that is evil, and the other wolf represents all that is good. These two realities are very insightful for us because they describe those in Christ. Though the power of God has made us dead to sin, sin is not dead. It is very much alive and hungry, waiting to be fed. So, the question is, "Which wolf wins?"

The Cherokee proverb answers saying, “The wolf that wins is the one you feed the most." We wonder why we feel so dominated by our own lusts, the devil’s attacks, and the world's allure without questioning our spiritual diet. What have you been consuming? In a sense, you are what you eat. And many of us find ourselves consistently anemic because our daily intake of that which nourishes is way too low. Taking in that which is obviously bad for us or abusing that which could be good (by over-­indulging) destroys us. We must say NO! “Bouncing the eyes,” not being alone with your fiancé when it’s late, and/or fasting from Facebook hurts the bad wolf i.e. starves the flesh.

But it isn't just saying no. We need a more delicious meal to say YES to! God, and all His kingdom, is indeed that more delicious meal. He is the sin­-appetite spoiler. The way the Spirit would have us deal with our porn problem, pride, jealousy, etc. is to glutton our spirit with the nourishments of God's word, the refreshments of fellowshipping with God's people, and the delicacies of enjoying God's creation. Cut off sin's food supply in your heart AND indulge yourself with the delicacies at God's table. We all have appetites for sin, and if we are serious about the kingdom, we will starve those desires until they die or until we die.

When you find yourself hungry for things that don't satisfy, go get full of that which does. It's amazing how starvation makes garbage look tasty. A world that seems to be drinking down sin with great delight and no reservation may be full, but they will never be nourished or satisfied. Their willingness to indulge in trash is the testament to their hunger. If we are spiritually famished, we will follow suit. We must adjust our diets.

Dag 18Dag 20

About this Plan

KB - 100

Respected as an artist and as a lyricist, every word out of the mouth of rapper KB is God inspired. With his 2014 EP '100', the Reach Records emcee breaks down the idea behind always giving God 100% in everything. He says, "To do everything unto Him is to work like our lives are not ours but His. It's when we give "100" God is honored and this world impacted. That's what my new EP is all about."


We would like to thank KB and The Overflow for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: www.theoverflow.com