The Legacy JourneySýnishorn

The Legacy Journey

DAY 14 OF 31

Finding Your Treasure

In Thou Shall Prosper, Rabbi Daniel Lapin gives a beautiful metaphor for a balanced life of contentment. He describes how each Sabbath evening, Jewish families gather to observe the Havdalah as a way to prepare for the week ahead.

During the service, a family member pours wine into a cup set in a saucer. As the wine overflows the cup, it begins to fill the saucer below. The idea is that while I take care of my own life and family (filling the cup), I also focus on providing some overflow to bless others.

That’s how we’re supposed to do things. The Bible makes it clear that we’re called to meet the needs of our families before anything else (1 Timothy 5:8). But we also need to be sensitive to ways we can minister to others. As long as we maintain that attitude, it’s easier to stay content with what we have been given.

Since no amount of money is holy or unholy, it’s okay to fill your cup—to build wealth and have some nice stuff. But I always advise people to pray about what it takes to fill their own cup. Your cup is not a swimming pool, but it’s also not a thimble. Again, you need a balanced perspective.

If you devote your resources to yourself, your heart becomes all about you. If you focus only on piling up stuff and never give or spend on your family, you’ll become a miser. You’ve got to check your motives.

That was Jesus’ point in Luke 12:34. In talking about a mature approach to money, He said we have to be careful with our treasure because our hearts will follow.

Let the Havdalah remind you to plan some overflow for others. And reflect God’s character as a giver by keeping your heart and treasure in proper balance. That produces contentment, and it will guide you well on The Legacy Journey.

True generosity reflects God’s calling in our lives, but it takes planning and forethought to give to the fullest. The Legacy Journey will walk you through essential giving ratios and a solid plan to set you on your way to living a generous life. 

Dag 13Dag 15

About this Plan

The Legacy Journey

Dave Ramsey is America’s trusted voice on money and business. Following his own bankruptcy at age 30, Dave set out to learn God’s ways of handling money. Dave now devotes himself to teaching others how to take control of their money so they can live and give like never before. Over the next 31 days, Dave will guide you through what the Bible has to say about money and wealth and how to live and leave a legacy for generations to come.
