Making Your Faith PublicSýnishorn

Making Your Faith Public

DAY 7 OF 7

The Message We Share Yesterday we learned how Barnabas and Paul left their “comfort zone” and went to Barnabas’ home province to tell people about Jesus. Elymas the sorcerer opposed them, but God struck him with blindness and the proconsul put his faith in Jesus. In reading the portion of the Bible today, name some people you think would be among the top 10 most famous people in the Philippines. Today we will read about the most famous King of Israel. In Acts chapter 13, Paul reminded the people of how God brought the Israelites out of Egypt and gave them the Promised Land. Then he narrated about King Saul and King David. How did God feel about Saul turning away from Him and not following His instructions? God was grieved. Acts 13: 22 told what God did with King Saul. He removed him and replaced him with King David. What does this tell us about how God feels about sin? God hates sin. How does God describe David, son of Jesse? “A man after my own heart…who will do everything I want him to do” Our reading says, according to Paul King David was a great man. He was the most famous king of Israel. But Jesus, the Son of God, was much greater still. According to verses 36-37, what is the evidence that Jesus is greater than King David? God raised Him from the dead. Why is it important to your faith that Jesus has been raised from the dead and is alive today? Jesus is a living Savior! According to verse 38 of our day’s reading, what does Jesus do with our sins when we put our faith in Him? He forgives us of all our sins. According to verse 39, everyone who believes in Jesus is “justified.” This means God looks at us as people who are fully cleansed and acceptable in His sight! Read verse 36. Like King David, we too should serve the purpose of God in our own generation. What do you think God wants you to do during this generation? Share the good news about Jesus with others. Pray: Ask God to show us His purpose for us in this generation. How does He want us to get out of our comfort zone to do His will? Pray for opportunities to share the Good News about Jesus, greater than any person who has ever lived - the Resurrected Savior. Go: Who will you talk with about Jesus this week?
Dag 6

About this Plan

Making Your Faith Public

An anonymous quotation says, "He died in public for you. Why would you live your Christian life in private?" A genuine transformation almost always follows a public testimony, whether to one or two, perhaps a group of people. It's like discovering a cure for a dreaded disease, you just don't keep it to yourself. Make your faith public!
