Hope Singapore: Greatness Of JesusSýnishorn

Hope Singapore: Greatness Of Jesus

DAY 5 OF 5

The Greatness of God: The Greatness of Jesus' Authority

When Jesus came and walk among man, many knew He was different.

When He taught, his hearers would compare His teaching with other teachers of the Law and would be amazed because “no one has ever spoken the way He does” (Matthew 7:29; Mark 1:22; Luke 4:32; John 7:46). He spoke with the authority of God. Jesus not only taught but He confirmed His authority through His work. Jesus had authority to calm the raging seas. At His word or touch, the sick were healed instantly and those oppressed were set free (Mark 1:27; Luke 4:36). In His authority, His disciples were also able to cast out demons and healed all diseases. (Luke 9:1-2)

One day, as Jesus was teaching, some men filled with faith, carried their paralyzed friend on a mat and tried to lower him down through the roof to Jesus so that their friend who was lame could pass through the crowd and have the chance to meet Jesus. When Jesus saw their great faith, He declared the man who was paralyzed forgiveness and told him to get up and walk. The Pharisees saw and thought to themselves that Jesus has blasphemed God. Who could have the authority to forgive but God? Little did they know, Jesus could, He is the Son of God!

Jesus has authority to judge and to forgive the sin of man (Luke 24:17-24).

After Jesus resurrected from His death on the cross, God set Him "far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this present age, but also in the one to come" (Ephesians 1:21). God has placed all things under the authority of Christ and has made Him head over all things. Christ’s authority is not just over the church but over the entire universe.

As believers of Christ, we are delegated with His authority to continue His works here on earth. In fact, Jesus promised that His believers will be doing even greater things than Him. (John 14:12) We can be confident of Christ’s authority. In Him, there is no need to fear of any power, death or even the evil one as all authority on earth and in heaven has been given to Christ alone (Matthew 28:18).

•How do you feel when you know Jesus has given you His authority for God’s work?
• What can you do in 1 area of life so that you are exercising the authority of Christ?
Dag 4

About this Plan

Hope Singapore: Greatness Of Jesus

Through Jesus, God revealed Himself and dwelt amongst His created man. This is the second part of the 3-part series devotion on the Bible-revealed Greatness of God and His Plan. While the first part focus on certain aspects of the Greatness of God, this part discusses on the Greatness of Jesus in the areas of His obedience, humility, gentleness, sacrifice and authority. May this devotion bless you and refresh you in the Lord.
