Elevate Your Impact! Moving From Apprehension to ActionSýnishorn

Elevate Your Impact! Moving From Apprehension to Action

DAY 2 OF 5

Day 2: Living to Please God

Scripture Focus: [23] Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. [24] Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are serving is Christ." (Colossians 3:23-24 NLT)

Living for a Higher Purpose

“Jacob is being sooo exasperating!” This is what my four-year-old daughter hilariously said about her crying infant brother several years ago. I was equally shocked and surprised that she was able to comprehend and almost correctly use a word she learned from one of her favorite shows at the time. I didn’t miss her point: Though he was a newborn, Jacob’s constant need for attention was exhausting.

Have you ever found yourself caught up in the exhausting cycle of trying to please others? Maybe it’s a boss, a family member, or a group of friends. It’s draining, isn’t it? That’s because people’s expectations are ever-changing, so our desire to meet those expectations leads us on a fruitless journey. People’s opinions and emotions can change on a whim, so trying to appease them leads to frustration, disappointment, and exasperation.

The problem is that many of us haven’t unlocked the secret to working for something—or someone—greater than ourselves.

Everything changes when we focus on pleasing God rather than people. Our actions, speech, attitude, and even how we respond to challenges begin to reflect our relationship with Him. In doing so, we become a source of light, hope, and encouragement for others. This is why trying to meet one person’s fleeting expectations is a distraction from our true mission: living for God and serving Him with all our heart. That means we should do everything at work, school, and home with vigor and a positive attitude.

Shining in the Spotlight

Ephesians 5:1-14 (NLT) is titled “Living in the Light.” This offers a profound reminder: We’re not just reflecting Christ’s light through our good deeds as we’re commanded to in Matthew 5:16; we’re also constantly in the spotlight. People are watching how we live and respond to life’s challenges. As followers of Christ, we are expected to set an example. This means imitating His love, patience, compassion, and servant heart in everything we do.

Enduring for the Reward

Here’s the truth: Not everyone will applaud your efforts to please God. Your boss might overlook you for that promotion. Your colleagues might envy your success and speak negatively about you. These moments can hurt, but they shouldn’t deter you. Why? Because you’re not living to please them—you’re living to please the One who sees everything, knows your heart, and rewards your diligence.

When we work as if we’re serving God, we’re freed from the emotional rollercoaster of seeking human validation. Our focus shifts to honoring Him in all we do, trusting that He will bless us in ways far beyond human recognition.

Closing Thought

Living to please God doesn’t just elevate our work—it elevates our impact on the world. We position ourselves to be a blessing to others and an example of His love by aligning our actions with His will.

So, here’s my challenge to you: Approach whatever tasks you have today with vigor, joy, and a heart focused on God. He sees you, He’s with you, and He will reward your faithfulness in His perfect timing.

Reflection Questions

  • Are there areas of your life where you’ve been more focused on pleasing people than God?
  • How can you shine Christ’s light in your daily work, relationships, and challenges?
  • What would it look like to live each day with the mindset of working for the Lord?

Day 2 Key Takeaways

  1. Seeking human approval leads to exasperation; live to please God, and He will give you peace.
  2. Your daily actions, attitude, and decisions should reflect your relationship with God.
  3. God rewards those who focus on His Kingdom, so work with all your heart because you’re working for Him.
Dag 1Dag 3

About this Plan

Elevate Your Impact! Moving From Apprehension to Action

You were created for purpose and impact—so why hesitate? Whether you’re just starting your faith journey or feel called to do more, this 5-day Bible Plan will help you move from fear to faith-filled action. Brothers Joshua and Olaolu Ogunyemi share biblical truths and practical strategies to help you step boldly into God’s calling. Joshua–Creative Director, Brand Strategist, and founder of ExcelU–and Olaolu–U.S. Marine Officer, leadership coach, author, and founder of Parent-Child-Connect.com–will equip you to lead, influence, and make a difference TODAY!
