The Novelty Detox for Lent: Letting Go of Novelty and Being Present in the EverydaySýnishorn

Day 6: Restoring Novelty by Aiming to Obtain the Five Crowns
While it may not seem like the crowns are related to novelty, I believe they are! The reason I say this is that if we focus our attention on the things of heaven, we would be less drawn to worldly, fleeting pursuits.
Reflecting on the five crowns revealed in the Bible, which every believer has the opportunity to be awarded in heaven, is a powerful and practical way to shift our attention away from the novelties of this world and toward the pursuit of Christ.
There are five crowns: the incorruptible crown, the crown of life, the crown of righteousness, the crown of glory, and the crown of rejoicing.
The Crown of Life
We discussed the incorruptible crown on Day Five, but the crown of life is for those who have endured trials and persecutions, even unto death. I believe this crown directly relates to novelty as an addiction. Novelty often reduces focus, as commitment is frequently neglected in favor of chasing new highs or ideas. It is difficult to persevere in anything if everything is competing for our attention.
The Crown of Righteousness
The crown of righteousness is for those who have remained faithful and committed to the Lord until the very end. The idol of novelty can interfere with this, as faith comes by hearing the Word of God. But if we are constantly pursuing excitement and emotional sensations, how can we take the time to hear the Word of God? How can we truly connect with our faith and our Saviour if we are consumed by the pursuit of shallow, fleeting things?
I realized that if I continued on the path of being a novelty addict, I would eventually lose my passion for the faith—and, in turn, risk losing my faith altogether.
The Crown of Rejoicing
Multiple studies indicate that individuals with PTSD, depression, or anxiety often have a stronger inclination to seek novelty. (If you feel you may have one of these conditions, I encourage you to consult a doctor.) I found this link telling because the crown of rejoicing is for those who have cried, mourned, and experienced significant loss during their time on earth.
But how can we focus on this joy—the joy set before us—if we are feeding our anxieties with novelty? Reflecting on this crown deeply touched me as I realized that I was not allowing space for God to heal my wounds. Instead, I was using distractions to avoid facing the pain.
This is not everyone’s story, but in my transparency, it is mine. Perhaps this may resonate with some of you who have experienced trauma, whether in childhood or adulthood. Let God heal your wounds, and let Him crown you with His joy.
The Crown of Glory
The crown of glory is awarded to those who have consistently tended to God’s flock. These are the people who feed others with His Word, share His truth, and bring light to those around them. It is for those who carry out the Great Commission with sincerity and faithfulness.
This crown convicted me deeply because it reminded me that you cannot focus on the Great Commission while also being consumed by worldly distractions. You cannot serve two masters—you cannot serve both light and darkness, the God of the universe and the devil. You must choose one.
My pursuit of novelty unintentionally revealed that I was more interested in feeling alive through superficial means than through the power of the Holy Spirit and my role as a soldier in God’s kingdom. The person God created me to be—full of depth and purpose—was becoming shallow and self-centered.
But praise be to God! He sees us through Christ and uses Scripture to convict, encourage, and transform us into the image of His Son.
Take some time to read through the Scriptures regarding the five crowns. How can we realign ourselves with the rewards and promises that God has in store for us? I believe there is a redeemed version of novelty—one deeply rooted in serving our Creator, loving the people around us, and contributing to our communities. This leads to a life full of depth, color, and meaning—not shallow pursuits.
About this Plan

In today’s fast-paced world, the pursuit of novelty can become an idol—shiny experiences, endless travels, and new relationships can leave us feeling both exhilarated and empty. This 7-day Bible plan invites you to confront the root of your desire for novelty, surrender it to God, and find joy in the life He has already given you.