4 Prayers for Foster ParentsSýnishorn

Pray for Established Faith
One of the greatest gifts we have as foster parents is the opportunity to introduce every child who graces our home to the message of Jesus.
Whether a child is with you for one day, ten days, ten years, or forever, you can share the good news with them. Your home might be the only place where they hear the gospel, and it might be the place where the seed is planted for their faith.
In our home, we take in young children ages seven and under. As part of our nightly routine, we sing “Jesus Paid It All” and the Doxology as bedtime songs. Then, I pray for them and their families. Lastly, I tell them, “You are precious to me and precious to Jesus. While you’re in my home, I’m going to take care of you.” I do this to share Jesus with them every day that they are in my care.
Colossians 2:6-7 talks about a faith that is not just present but rooted, built up, and established. As foster parents, we do not get to know how long each child will be with us. We don’t get to know how many days we have to teach about God and the ways of God.
That is why I urge you to pray that their faith would take root in good soil and be strong and unwavering. Pray that their seed would “fall on good soil,” as Matthew 13:23 says.
Today, pray this prayer: “Lord, save every child that comes into my care at a very young age and help them to walk obediently with you all the days of their life. Root their faith in deep, good soil and build up their faith to be strong and unwavering. May they never turn from You, and may they always trust in You, in the name of Jesus.”
About this Plan

As a foster parent, you face many unique challenges. You can overcome those challenges with the power of prayer. This plan, written by Christina Dodson, walks through 4 specific, biblically based prayers to help sustain you on your mission as a foster parent.