21 Days of Prayer & FastingSýnishorn

Guidance for Leaders
As leaders, it's easy to feel the weight of responsibility, thinking that everything falls on our shoulders. We often feel pressured to have all the answers, to control every situation, and to carry the burden of success or failure. But in reality, God calls us to a different way of leadership and living. In Matthew 18, the disciples were caught up in a debate over who would be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Jesus' response was not what they expected. He called a child to Him and said, "Whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 18:4).
Jesus is teaching us a powerful lesson here: greatness in His kingdom is not about power, position, or control. It’s about humility and dependence. He invites us to become like children—not childish, but childlike. Children are dependent on their parents for everything—they trust, they rely, and they surrender their control. They don’t worry about what’s coming next because they know their parents will provide for them, protect them, and guide them.
The Bible never refers to us as "adults of God"—we are always called His children. This childlike faith isn’t about immaturity but about acknowledging that we are not self-sufficient. We are fully dependent on God for guidance, provision, and security. This should transform how we live every day. Our challenge today is to allow the Lord to guide us as a child depends on their parent. Whether it’s in our family, relationships, work, leadership, or personal life, can we surrender control and allow God to lead us?
Reflection Questions:
- In what areas of your life today can you become more childlike in your faith and trust in God?
- What does it mean to you personally when Jesus calls you to be more childlike?
- Do you think it will be easy or difficult to embrace a childlike faith? Why?
Father, I thank You for Your word and Your presence. I thank You for the gift of Jesus, who makes it possible for me to fully depend on You today. Lord, when I’m tempted to think I have to control everything, when I feel the weight of having to know all the answers, help me to remember that You are my guide. You are my provider. I surrender my need for control to You, trusting that You will lead me. In moments where I feel overwhelmed, help me to become more humble, more dependent on You, like a child trusting their parent. Lord, as I release control to You today, I ask for Your wisdom, Your peace, and Your guidance in every area of my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen
About this Plan

Thank you for joining us for 21 days of Prayer and Fasting. Over the next 21 days, we will be praying and believing to see miracles take place. As you embark on this devotional ask the Holy Spirit for guidance as you pray daily and read the Bible. Each day provides a scripture focus, a devotional thought, and guided prayer to help you align your heart with God’s will.