The Cross: And What It Means for Fallen Humanity | Prayer, Fasting, and Consecration (Family Devotional)Sýnishorn

Conclusion: Assurance
- A sheet of paper
- Pencils, pens, and coloring materials
Ask the children to follow instructions to make the following illustration:
- On the right side of the paper, draw a cliff and write the word “GOD” on top of it.
- On the left side of the paper, draw another cliff and write the word “US” on top of it.
- The cliffs shouldn’t touch each other.
Set the drawing aside for now, as it will be used again towards the end of the lesson.
Explain to your child or children that a deep divide separates us from God. This divide is because of sin. All of us are born with sin, and as long as we have sin, we cannot be with God, who is holy.
How can we go across the divide and be with God? Give everyone time to answer.
Let us discover the answer through today’s lesson.
It was now about noon, and darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon, for the sun stopped shining. And the curtain of the temple was torn in two. Jesus called out with a loud voice, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” When he had said this, he breathed his last. Luke 23:44–46 (NIV)
“Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.”
Jesus said this in His final moment on the cross. Everything may have seemed lost and hopeless to the disciples and His followers. Their Teacher was dying right before their very eyes. But as Jesus spoke those last words, His body failing, He lifted His all to God, trusting Him with everything. It is a statement of total surrender.
There is hope for us, after all. Jesus’ dying on the cross was not the end of the story because Jesus rose from the grave, displaying His power over death. God had a plan that would bring life and hope to everyone. Though we are destined to die, Jesus’ resurrection assures us that death need not be our end. It assures us that the One we trust can overcome what should have been our destiny. Jesus overcame death in our place. When we trust Him, we can walk in the victory He has promised. This is our hope; by this, we know that our salvation is not empty but alive!
Parents to Kids
2–6 years old
- What were Jesus’ last words on the cross?
- How do you know that Jesus trusted God? Can you also trust God?
7–12 years old
- What does Jesus’ death and resurrection mean for you?
- How do you think it will help you as you navigate through your circumstances right now?
Kids to Parents
- Have you ever had a time when you trusted God through a difficult situation? What happened?
- How do you draw hope from Jesus’ resurrection?
- Do you always trust God?
Jesus was showing us that we, too, can trust God. We can give God all our fears, worries, and sadness because God is good and loves us. Jesus’ death on the cross wasn’t the end; it was the beginning of our chance to have a right relationship with God and the promise of eternal life. So, whenever things seem too difficult, remember that Jesus trusted God; because of Him, we can have hope. The cross reminds us that Jesus died for our sins, but His resurrection reminds us that death is not the end. With God, we have a bright future.
Take the illustration from earlier and finish the drawing by putting a large cross in the middle of the divide. Make sure that the arms of the cross are large enough to connect the two sides. On top of the cross, write JESUS.
Jesus is the way for us to come to God (John 14:6). He invites us to cross over and enjoy life with God for the rest of our lives.
Do you want to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior? We can pray together.
Dear God, thank You for sending Jesus to die on the cross for us and for raising Him again. Thank You for the hope You give us not only in this life but even in the life after. Help us always see You and hold on to You because You are faithful and trustworthy. In Jesus’ name, amen!
“. . . And the curtain of the temple was torn in two.” Luke 23:45 (NIV)
During the time of Jesus, the temple curtain separated the people from the most holy place, symbolizing God’s presence. Only the high priest was allowed to enter beyond the curtain, and only on specific occasions. But when Jesus died and the curtain was torn, it showed that Jesus made a way for everyone who believes in Him to come close to God. Jesus is our high priest (Hebrews 4:14), and we can now come to our Father through Him. Because of Jesus, nothing separates us from God anymore!
About this Plan

Every year, we gather to pray and fast so that we can hear from God and follow what He says. As believers of Christ, may the finished work at the cross be at the center of everything we say and do. This family devotional is designed for parents with children ages two to twelve.