Christmas: The Greatest GiftSýnishorn

“Father Abraham had many sons.”
These are the lyrics of a popular children’s song. The lyrics continue, “I am one of them, and so are you,” then “let’s all praise the Lord” (by shouting the names of our limbs). I grew familiar with the song at church, and it carries an important truth.
We praise the Lord because He followed through on His word to Abraham. In the Book of Genesis, God asked Abraham to go to a new land where He would bless him, make his lineage into a great nation, and bless all the peoples of the earth through it (Genesis 12:1-3).
Abraham moved by faith, without knowing when God would execute His plan. He didn’t see the promise fulfilled in his lifetime. But he chose to worship and follow God even when the circumstances didn’t seem like blessings. God ultimately fulfilled His promise to bless all the peoples of the earth by sending Jesus, born from Abraham’s family, to pay the penalty for our sins and forgive each of us who choose by faith to believe in Him and receive His salvation.
And He made another promise: When Christ comes back, sin will be eradicated and all things will be made new.
Like Abraham, we are in a waiting time. We don’t know when God will carry out this promise. But we can persist knowing we will enter our glorious home with God because Jesus was righteous for us. Those who have chosen to follow Jesus will live forever with God in His family, as sons and daughters in the faith Abraham had.
That is our hope. This gift is our reason to praise the Lord.
As you go to God in prayer, worship Him and thank Him through words, songs, or other expressions of gratitude for bringing about His promises.
Lord, thank You for fulfilling Your promise to Abraham by sending Jesus to take the penalty for our sins. Thank You for making so many good promises to us and for always fulfilling Your promises. We trust You when You say You will come again. Will You strengthen our faith as we wait for You to restore our world? We love You, Lord. Thank You for loving us so much that You gave us Jesus.
About this Plan

Christmas isn’t simply about celebrating what God did thousands of years ago but what He is doing for you when you trust His Son. Jesus is Immanuel, God-With-You, right here and now. Embark on this journey to unwrap the greatest gift.