Praying and Waiting for Christmas: A 7 Day Advent DevotionalSýnishorn

The Candle of Peace or The Angels
One of my favorite moments in the Christmas story is when the night sky bursts open, spilling heavenly light upon the shepherds, who were peacefully guarding their sheep. “Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them, and the radiance of the Lord’s glory surrounded them.” What an amazing moment that must have been. How did they react? “They were terrified, but the angel reassured them. ‘Don’t be afraid!’” (Luke 2:9-10).
There are other angelic messengers in the Christmas story, and the reaction to their appearance is the same. Gabriel announced God’s plan to Mary, saying, “Don’t be afraid” (Luke 1:30). A second angel spoke to Joseph in a dream, and began with, “Do not be afraid” (Matthew 1:20). Angels must be awesome beings to spark fear whenever they appear!
But I think it’s more than that. Mary and Joseph were to be married, and they probably envisioned a future like any other young couple. Then an angel announced that God was about to turn their lives upside down. Were they willing to give up their dreams for God’s plans? The angel said, “Don’t be afraid.” Trust God. Trust that He is working for good. Be at peace, even though everything is about to change. Mary responded, “I am the Lord’s servant” (Luke 1:38).
Our calendar pages are filled with plans for the future. But change can come unexpectedly. Accidents, illnesses, job losses—these don’t stop so we can celebrate a “magical” Christmas. If only an angel would appear whenever our lives are turned upside down and tell us, “Don’t be afraid! Trust God and be at peace. He is in control, and working for our good.” Before we panic and worry, why not take a moment to listen for the angel’s message from our heavenly Father. It’s the same message that the shepherds, Mary, and Joseph heard: “Don’t be afraid. Trust God, and be at peace. He is in control.” Will we wrestle and worry and try to get our own plans back on track? Or will we put our hand in God’s and say, like Mary did, “I am the Lord’s servant”?
Then, with our peace restored, we can do what the shepherds did. They “told everyone what had happened. . . . All who heard the shepherds’ story were astonished.” (Luke 2:17-18). One of the greatest testimonies we can offer to someone who doesn’t know Him is to demonstrate the peace of Christ in the midst of our storms. Jesus said, “I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid” (John 14:27). May our lives be a testimony to His peace.
About this Plan

This Christmas season, let the Advent candles remind you of the hope, love, joy, and peace that are ours in Christ. Join author Lynn Austin as she reflects on the season of Advent in these devotionals and invites you to pray for those who need to come home to Him.