Build Like Nehemiah Pt.1Sýnishorn

Build Like Nehemiah Pt.1

DAY 7 OF 7

Every Little Helps!

If you have ever done any supermarket shopping in the UK at Tesco, you may remember that ‘Every Little Helps’ was once their company slogan. Tesco was trying to make the point that every penny saved from cheaper prices in their stores helps you the customer. I was reminded of this slogan a few years ago as I read Nehemiah 3. Now you may be wondering, what does Nehemiah have to do with Tesco? Well, what stuck out to me most was that every contribution to the rebuilding of the Wall mattered. No one’s contribution was seen as greater than any other. Some could only build the section in front of their houses, whilst others could do more.

Some contributors were named but others were not. But no one’s contribution was forgotten, ignored or belittled. No contribution was wasted. Every contribution helped restore the Wall in Jerusalem.

As I was reading the text that day, the Holy Spirit began to remind me of people in my local church who had never been on a platform but had contributed to the building of the church in some way. Whether it was by ushering, cleaning, helping out in kids' church, welcoming, hospitality or in the audio team. I imagined the Lord reading out a list including all their names, some still serving in that capacity, others not. I was reminded in that moment that 'Every Little Helps'. Whether it’s for 5 minutes, one day or 50 years for cleaning toilets or leading a small group, it all counts!

Most of us believe that 'Every Little Helps' when it comes to our finances. We try to be mindful of where our pennies go. We fully embrace our Saviour’s command to gather up the fragments so that nothing is wasted when it comes to money.

John 6:12 - So when they were filled, He said to His disciples, “Gather up the fragments that remain, so that nothing is lost.” (NKJV)

But how many of us use this same mindset in how we treat people? How much do we value the smallest contributions people make to our churches, businesses or workplaces? Are we focused on efficiencies rather than individual contributions? Are we missing something when we ignore the small or limited contributions people make because we take an all-or-nothing approach? I recently heard a preacher say that Nehemiah took 52 days on a building project that should have taken 10-15 years to complete. Perhaps, one of the reasons why this was possible was because he, being led by the Spirit, gathered up the fragments so that nothing would be lost.

Questions for reflection: Do I value people and their contributions? Have I ignored someone because I thought what they contributed was too little? Do I need to pray for forgiveness where I may have devalued someone’s (or my own) effort or contribution? Have I disqualified myself because I have thought my contribution is irrelevant or too small? Have I asked the Holy Spirit to help me value contributions irrespective of the size and for wisdom in leading people?

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Dag 6

About this Plan

Build Like Nehemiah Pt.1

What should have been a 10-year building project was completed in 52 days. How was this done? This devotional will take you on a deep dive into the book of Nehemiah. You will walk away with practical steps taken from the life of Nehemiah, so that you, with the help of the Holy Spirit, can learn how to build faster and smarter.
