Advent: A 25-Day Countdown to ChristmasSýnishorn

God Is With You Always
Yesterday, we left off in the exile, when God’s people were trapped in a faraway nation. Yet, many had hope. Why? Because they knew God wasn’t done writing their story. In exile, they looked to past evidence of God’s care.
One of those stories was the story of Elijah. Elijah was a prophet who lived a few generations before the exile. A prophet is someone who speaks truth from God to people in power.
Elijah’s greatest threats were the king and queen of Israel, Ahab and Jezebel. Throughout Elijah’s story, he constantly let them know that their words and actions weren’t honoring God. But they didn’t listen. Instead, they doubled-down and even attempted to have Elijah killed.
Despite immense pressure in a hostile environment, Elijah remained faithful to God. And through his work, God led many people to know Him.
But Elijah still had moments where his hope ran out. On one occasion, right after a dramatic showdown with rival prophets, he felt intense despair.
Despair is the opposite of hope. It’s the feeling that the world is against you, and you’re doomed to fail. Have you ever felt despair?
Elijah hid in the wilderness and wished for death. But God met him in his despair and brought him food and water. Then, He invited Elijah to go to a mountain. There, Elijah had a powerful encounter with God that reaffirmed God’s care. This experience renewed Elijah’s hope and gave him the strength he needed to continue his mission.
Despair can overwhelm us, as it did for Elijah. Despair lies to us, telling us we’re alone and doomed to fail. But God offers hope. Hope is the wholehearted, evidence-based conviction that God is making the future better than the past or present.
When we look at how God provided for people in the past, it can give us hope for a better future today. For anyone dealing with despair, remembering stories like Elijah’s can be a source of strength. They remind us to have courage, no matter what opposition might come our way.
So, do you feel despair today? Maybe it’s about a relationship you’re about to give up on or a dream that feels like it’s dead. No matter what it is, God wants to infuse you with hope.
Sometimes life doesn’t go our way and we end up facing intense opposition. But God is still with us. We can face today with confidence, believing the best is yet to come.
Pause and Pray:
Lord, thank You for being patient with me. Thank You that when I feel hopeless, You are always there to renew my hope. Help me to fix my eyes on You and trust in You with my whole heart. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Reflect or Discuss:
Where do I need to refocus on God’s grace and goodness? Where do I lack wholehearted trust in God?
About this Plan

Advent is a church tradition to help believers across the globe prepare their hearts for the arrival of Jesus. Over four weeks, we’ll look at themes of hope, peace, joy, and love in the biblical narrative leading up to Jesus’ birth, and how these themes can be applied to our Christmas season this year.