Moving Toward Each Other in the Middle of a Divisive WorldSýnishorn

Seeing People and Things the Way God Does
Dogs may be man’s best friend, but they can also be man’s most annoying alarm system. When my dog and I are out for a walk, there are three dogs in our neighborhood that, without fail, meet us with all the fire and brimstone of a revival preacher. They all live in the same yard and run to the fence, getting as close to us as possible, and unleash (pun intended) their frustration at our audacity to walk the public street. Even when I cross the street to avoid them, my ears ring for a block afterward.
But, if their master is home, it is different. We can walk by unnoticed, unbothered, and peaceful.
I just may be guilty of the same thing. When I am feeling especially grouchy, irritable, defensive, or petty, I am not very different from those dogs, barking at those around me. But, when I spend time with my Master, the loving God who made me, I am often less grouchy, irritable, defensive, and petty. I am much better equipped to have rational, open, and even caring interactions with people after I spend time in His Word. When I am marinating in God’s Word, He allows me to begin to see other people through His eyes.
In his book, Unoffendable: How Just One Change Can Make All of Life Better, author Brant Hansen asserts that being offended by others is a choice– but not a beneficial one. He argues that Christians often justify their anger against that which is wrong or sinful but that righteous anger belongs to God alone–and it can be a sacrifice to God for us to lay our anger down (Romans 12:17-18).
But what if the other person is wrong?
What if my convictions oppose this person’s perspective?
Aren’t there things that are so egregious that we are justified to lose our cool over?
What in your life would you need to change for others to say you demonstrate “living at peace with everyone?”
One way to grow in our faith and understanding of others is to mentor and be mentored. Find someone who can serve as a guide in your life and do the same for another.
Another is to spend more time sitting at the feet of Jesus and in God’s Word. Our loving Master will allow you to see others through the scarlet-colored glasses of the blood of Jesus.
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About this Plan

One cannot turn on the television, engage in social media, listen to the radio, or even attend church without witnessing some conflict. How do we, as believers, hold firm to our convictions without sacrificing our relationships? Join us in this 5-day devotional, as we seek to find common ground together. We would like to thank Amberly Neese and FamilyLife for providing this plan. For more information visit