Staying Free After Breaking FreeSýnishorn

Staying Free After Breaking Free

DAY 3 OF 15


Letting go is one of the most difficult things to do—especially for individuals struggling with disordered eating. Disordered eating behavior is directly linked to control. When everything else in life becomes unmanageable, the regulation of food becomes the method to regain or establish a semblance of control.

Anorexics withhold. Bulimics purge. Compulsive overeaters binge. Those who struggle with exercise addiction continue working out despite failing health and poor weather conditions.

Although each of these disorders manifests themselves differently, the negative behaviors associated with addiction are usually a means to cope with difficult emotions, stress, and anxiety.

Out-of-control feelings cause some people to head down a path of self-destruction. Before we know it, we are trapped in bondage, unable to break free.

Author Kimberly Davidson shares a vivid illustration of becoming trapped:

“Villagers that live in the forests and mountains of India catch monkeys by carving pots with necks as long as a monkey’s arm and a base large enough for a banana. The monkeys can’t wait to retrieve their prize. They put their arms down the neck of the jar until they have the banana tightly grasped. However, they can’t pull it through the narrow neck. So, they sit holding their prize tightly for fear of losing it. Eventually, the monkey becomes immobilized, and they are simple pickings for the villagers.”

One of the reasons we fear letting go is because we are not entirely convinced God will adequately manage what we hand over to Him. In other words, we don’t trust Him.

Trust is not something that happens overnight; it is built over time. God knows exactly why we have trust issues. He is not intimidated by our lack of trust. Saddened—yes. Intimidated—no.

When I minister to women through Living in Truth Ministries, I assure them that God wants to earn their trust. I encourage them to surrender just one piece of their disorder over to Him and see what He does with it. Maybe they aren’t ready to hand everything over to God but could try giving Him a small piece. Eat that “fear food.” Keep that meal down. Don’t go back for seconds. Take a day-off from exercise.

Perhaps your current struggle is something other than food. The same principles can be applied to any stronghold you are facing. What is it that you’re holding so tightly? Perhaps like the monkeys, you’re immobilized with fear, unable to let go.

God wants to help you, but He continues to respect your free will. He will not force you to change. Two choices are in front of you. One leads to freedom, the other leads to deeper bondage. Remember the monkeys. Failure to let go is what led to their capture. More freedom or deeper bondage—the choice is ours.


Are there any parts of your bondage that you are still hanging onto? Ask God to help you let go so that you can continue moving forward, free and unhindered.


Lord Jesus, you tell me in your Word that the truth sets prisoners free. Please help me be completely free. What truths do I still need to embrace so that I am no longer held back from all that you have awaiting my future?

Dag 2Dag 4

About this Plan

Staying Free After Breaking Free

It was 2003 when I looked into the mirror and fully surrendered my 25-year battle with bulimia over to Jesus. Although I had been working on recovery with the Lord for more than a year, I realized there was one final step before freedom was truly mine. Twenty-one-years later, I am still walking in freedom! Breaking free is only part of the battle. Staying free requires a new level of strength and strategy. This plan reveals several keys to success that have guided my personal freedom-journey, and they can help you stay free too.
