The Parable of the Ten MinasSýnishorn

Faithful servants
“The first [servant] came before him, saying, ‘Lord, your mina has made ten minas more.’ And he said to him, ‘Well done, good servant! Because you have been faithful in a very little, you shall have authority over ten cities.’” (Luke 19:16-17)
Jesus' story continues. The king returned and wanted to know if his servants had made a profit from the money he had given them. The first servant had done a good job. His mina had made as much as ten minas of profit. A second servant was slightly less successful, but was still able to return five minas to his king. The king was very pleased with both of these servants. He gave them an inordinate reward because they had proven to be trustworthy. They were given responsibility over as many cities as they had earned minas.
The Bible makes it very clear that no one can earn eternal life. It is a gift. But once we are saved, we get to serve the Lord God. And then it does matter how we live our lives: “Each will receive his wages according to his labor.” (1 Corinthians 3:8)
If we believe in the Lord Jesus, we look forward longingly to His return. Then we will be allowed to be with Him forever. But until then, may we spend our time on earth well. If we do so faithfully, Jesus will richly reward us as “good servants.”
Do you consider yourself a “good servant” of the Lord God? In what ways do you or do you not? How could you grow in this respect?
About this Plan

The Lord Jesus promised that one day He will return to rule over all the earth. But how should believers shape their lives here on earth until that day comes? Jesus teaches us more about that in a parable. Will you read along?